


simple module

Routing Information Protocol.

This module implements distance vector routing as specified in RFC 2453 (RIPv2) and RFC 2080 (RIPng). The routing protocol uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm to compute the optimal routes. Each router periodically sends its routes to the neighboring routers. This update message contains the destination (address, netmask) and metric of each route. When a router receives an update message, it adds the cost of the incoming interface to the cost of the received route and if it is smaller than the metric of its current route then it updates the current route.

Limitations of the protocol:

  • only the hop-count metric is supported
  • the metric diameter of the network must be smaller than 16
  • the protocol depends on "counting to infinity" to recover from routing loops

The module has the following parameters:

  • mode: either "RIPv2" (RFC 2453) or "RIPng" (RFC 2080)
  • routingTableModule: path to the routing table module
  • ripConfig: an XML configuration file containing per-interface parameters

The configuration file specifies the per interface parameters. Each <interface> element configures one or more interfaces; the @hosts, @names, @towards, @among attributes select the configured interfaces (see IPv4NetworkConfigurator). The other attributes sets parameters of the selected interfaces:

  • @metric: metric assigned to the link, default value is 1. This value is added to the metric of a learned route, received on this interface. It must be an integer in the [1,15] interval.
  • @mode: mode of the interface; an enumerated value, default is 'SplitHorizonPoisonedReverse'. Accepted values are:
    • 'NoRIP': no RIP messages are sent or received on this interface
    • 'NoSplitHorizon': no split horizon filtering; send all routes to neighbors.
    • 'SplitHorizon': do not sent routes whose next hop is the neighbor
    • 'SplitHorizonPoisenedReverse': if the next hop is the neighbor, then set the metric of the route to infinity.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Default value Description
interfaceTableModule string

The path to the InterfaceTable module

routingTableModule string
mode string "RIPv2"
ripConfig xml xml("")
udpPort int (mode == "RIPng" ? 521 : 520)
updateInterval double 30s
startupTime double uniform(0s,5s)
triggeredUpdateDelay double uniform(1s,5s)
routeExpiryTime double 180s
routePurgeTime double 120s
shutdownTime double 1s


Name Value Description
display i=block/network2


Name Direction Size Description
udpIn input
udpOut output


Name Type Unit
rcvdResponse cPacket
sentUpdate cPacket
numRoutes unsigned long
sentRequest cPacket
badResponse cPacket


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
rcvdResponse response received rcvdResponse count, vector(constant1) none
sentUpdate update sent sentUpdate count, vector(constant1) none
numRoutes number of routes numRoutes last, vector none
sentRequest request sent sentRequest count, vector(constant1) none
badResponse bad response received badResponse count, vector(constant1) none

Source code

// Routing Information Protocol.
// This module implements distance vector routing as
// specified in RFC 2453 (RIPv2) and RFC 2080 (RIPng).
// The routing protocol uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm to compute
// the optimal routes. Each router periodically sends its
// routes to the neighboring routers. This update message
// contains the destination (address, netmask) and metric
// of each route. When a router receives an update message,
// it adds the cost of the incoming interface
// to the cost of the received route and if it is smaller than the metric
// of its current route then it updates the current route.
// Limitations of the protocol:
//   - only the hop-count metric is supported
//   - the metric diameter of the network must be smaller than 16
//   - the protocol depends on "counting to infinity" to recover
//     from routing loops
// The module has the following parameters:
//   - mode: either "RIPv2" (RFC 2453) or "RIPng" (RFC 2080)
//   - routingTableModule: path to the routing table module
//   - ripConfig: an XML configuration file containing per-interface parameters
// The configuration file specifies the per interface parameters.
// Each <interface> element configures one or more interfaces;
// the @hosts, @names, @towards, @among attributes select the
// configured interfaces (see ~IPv4NetworkConfigurator).
// The other attributes sets parameters of the selected interfaces:
// - @metric: metric assigned to the link, default value is 1.
//            This value is added to the metric of a learned route,
//            received on this interface. It must be an integer in
//            the [1,15] interval.
// - @mode: mode of the interface; an enumerated value, default is
//          'SplitHorizonPoisonedReverse'. Accepted values are:
//     - 'NoRIP': no RIP messages are sent or received on this interface
//     - 'NoSplitHorizon': no split horizon filtering; send all routes to
//                         neighbors.
//     - 'SplitHorizon':   do not sent routes whose next hop is the neighbor
//     - 'SplitHorizonPoisenedReverse': if the next hop is the neighbor, then
//                         set the metric of the route to infinity.
simple RIPRouting like IUDPApp

        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string routingTableModule;
        string mode @enum("RIPv2","RIPng") = default("RIPv2");
        xml ripConfig = default(xml("<config><interface metric='1'/></config>"));

        int udpPort = (mode == "RIPng" ? 521 : 520);
        double updateInterval @unit(s) = default(30s);
        volatile double startupTime @unit(s) = default(uniform(0s,5s));
        volatile double triggeredUpdateDelay @unit(s) = default(uniform(1s,5s));
        double routeExpiryTime @unit(s) = default(180s);
        double routePurgeTime @unit(s) = default(120s);
        double shutdownTime @unit(s) = default(1s);
        @signal[numRoutes](type=unsigned long);
        @statistic[sentRequest](title="request sent"; source=sentRequest; record=count,"vector(constant1)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[sentUpdate](title="update sent"; source=sentUpdate; record=count,"vector(constant1)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[rcvdResponse](title="response received"; source=rcvdResponse; record=count,"vector(constant1)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[badResponse](title="bad response received"; source=badResponse; record=count,"vector(constant1)"; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[numRoutes](title="number of routes"; source=numRoutes; record=last,vector; interpolationmode=none);
        input udpIn @labels(UDPControlInfo/up);
        output udpOut @labels(UDPControlInfo/down);
File: src/inet/routing/rip/RIPRouting.ned