Package: inet.power.base
simple moduleThis is an abstract base module for current based energy consumer models. It defines shared signals and statistics.
See also: CcEnergySourceBase, CcEnergyGeneratorBase, CcEnergySinkBase, CcEnergyStorageBase
Author: Levente Meszaros
Inheritance diagram
The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.
Known subclasses
Name | Type | Description |
StateBasedCcEnergyConsumer | simple module |
This module provides a radio energy consumer model. The current consumption is determined by the radio mode, the transmitter state and the receiver state using constant parameters. |
Name | Value | Description |
display | i=block/plug |
Name | Type | Unit |
currentConsumptionChanged | double |
Name | Title | Source | Record | Unit | Interpolation Mode |
currentConsumption | Current consumption | currentConsumptionChanged | vector | sample-hold |
Source code
// // This is an abstract base module for current based energy consumer models. // It defines shared signals and statistics. // // @see ~CcEnergySourceBase, ~CcEnergyGeneratorBase, ~CcEnergySinkBase, ~CcEnergyStorageBase // @author Levente Meszaros // simple CcEnergyConsumerBase like ICcEnergyConsumer { parameters: @display("i=block/plug"); @signal[currentConsumptionChanged](type=double); @statistic[currentConsumption](title="Current consumption"; source=currentConsumptionChanged; record=vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold); }File: src/inet/power/base/CcEnergyConsumerBase.ned