
Package: inet.node.httptools


compound module

Simple host for the HttpTools project. The module is derived from the INET StandardHost module. All network infrastructure modules were removed; the node is a simple container for tcpApps. Suitable apps are the HttpBrowserDirect and HttpServerDirect modules from HttpTools. See the INET documentation for StandardHost and the provided examples on how to assign tcpApps to the module.

See also: HttpServerDirect

See also: HttpBrowserDirect

Author: Kristjan V. Jonsson ([email protected])

tcpApp[numTcpApps] : like IHttpDirectApp

IHttpDirectApp: Interface for HTTP server and browser models that communicate directly, without lower layer...

tcpApp[numTcpApps]: <> like IHttpDirectApp {

Usage diagram

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Default value Description
numTcpApps int 0

The number of tcpApps in the array


Name Value Description

Unassigned submodule parameters

Name Type Default value Description
tcpApp.linkSpeed double

Used to model transmission delays.

Source code

// Simple host for the HttpTools project. The module is derived from the INET
// StandardHost module. All network infrastructure modules were removed;
// the node is a simple container for tcpApps. Suitable apps are the HttpBrowserDirect
// and HttpServerDirect modules from HttpTools.
// See the INET documentation for StandardHost and the provided examples on how
// to assign tcpApps to the module.
// @see HttpServerDirect
// @see HttpBrowserDirect
// @author Kristjan V. Jonsson ([email protected])
module DirectHost
        int numTcpApps = default(0);     // The number of tcpApps in the array
        tcpApp[numTcpApps]: <> like IHttpDirectApp {

File: src/inet/node/httptools/DirectHost.ned