
Package: inet.networklayer.generic


simple module

This module is a simplified generic network protocol that routes generic datagrams using different kind of network addresses.

Author: Andras Varga

Used in compound modules

Name Type Description
GenericNetworkLayer compound module

This module provides the generic network layer.


Name Type Default value Description
interfaceTableModule string

The path to the InterfaceTable module

routingTableModule string
arpModule string
procDelay double 0s
hopLimit int 32


Name Value Description
display i=block/routing


Name Direction Size Description
transportIn [ ] input
transportOut [ ] output
arpIn input
arpOut output
queueIn [ ] input
queueOut [ ] output

Source code

// This module is a simplified generic network protocol that routes
// generic datagrams using different kind of network addresses. 
// @author Andras Varga
simple GenericNetworkProtocol
        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string routingTableModule;
        string arpModule;
        double procDelay @unit("s") = default(0s);
        int hopLimit = default(32);
        input transportIn[] @labels(GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo/down,TCPSegment,UDPPacket);
        output transportOut[] @labels(GenericNetworkProtocolControlInfo/up,TCPSegment,UDPPacket);
        input arpIn;
        output arpOut;
        input queueIn[] @labels(GenericDatagram);
        output queueOut[] @labels(GenericDatagram);
File: src/inet/networklayer/generic/GenericNetworkProtocol.ned