
Package: inet.linklayer.ieee80211.mac.contract


module interface

Interface for modules that implement contention-based channel access. For each frame, Contention listens on the channel for a DIFS (AIFS) period then for a random backoff period before transitting the frame, and defers when busy channel is sensed. After receiving a corrupted frame, EIFS is used instead of the original DIFS (AIFS).

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Implemented by

Name Type Description
Contention simple module

The default implementation of IContention.

Source code

// Interface for modules that implement contention-based channel access.
// For each frame, Contention listens on the channel for a DIFS (AIFS) period
// then for a random backoff period before transitting the frame, and defers when
// busy channel is sensed. After receiving a corrupted frame, EIFS is used instead
// of the original DIFS (AIFS).
moduleinterface IContention
File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/contract/IContention.ned