
Package: inet.linklayer.ieee80211


module interface

Module interface for all ieee802.11 mac modul

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Implemented by

Name Type Description
Ieee80211CompatibleMac compound module

Delegate some upperMac parameters to Ieee80211Mac, to be more compatible with the old MAC. NOTE: NOT ALL PARAMETERS OF THE OLD MAC CAN BE MAPPED.

Ieee80211Mac compound module

Implementation of the 802.11b MAC protocol. This module is intended to be used in combination with the Ieee80211Radio module as the physical layer. (The SnrEval80211 and Decider80211 modules should also work if per-packet bitrate setting gets implemented.)

Used in compound modules

Name Type Description
Ieee80211Nic compound module

This NIC implements an 802.11 network interface card. It can be configured via the mgmtType parameter to act as an AP or a STA, or for ad-hoc mode.


Name Type Description
IMACProtocol module interface

This interface provides an abstraction for different network protocols.


Name Value Description
display i=block/rxtx

Source code

// Module interface for all ieee802.11 mac modul
moduleinterface IIeee80211Mac extends IMACProtocol
File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/IIeee80211Mac.ned