Package: inet.linklayer.contract
module interface(no description)
Inheritance diagram
The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.
Implemented by
Name | Type | Description |
IdealWirelessNic | compound module |
Highly abstracted wireless NIC that consists of a unit disk radio and a trivial MAC protocol. It offers simplicity for scenarios where Layer 1 and 2 effects can be completely ignored, for example testing the basic functionality of a wireless ad-hoc routing protocol. |
Ieee80211Nic | compound module |
This NIC implements an 802.11 network interface card. It can be configured via the mgmtType parameter to act as an AP or a STA, or for ad-hoc mode. |
Ieee802154NarrowbandNic | compound module | (no description) |
Ieee802154UWBIRNic | compound module | (no description) |
WirelessNic | compound module | (no description) |
Used in compound modules
Name | Type | Description |
AccessPoint | compound module |
A generic access point supporting multiple wireless radios, and multiple ethernet ports. The type of the ethernet MAC, relay unit and wireless card can be specified as parameters. |
NodeBase | compound module |
Contains the common lower layers (linklayer and networklayer) of Router, StandardHost, WirelessHost etc. |
Name | Type | Description |
INic | module interface | (no description) |
Name | Value | Description |
display | i=block/ifcard |
Source code
moduleinterface IWirelessNic extends INic { parameters: @display("i=block/ifcard"); gates: input radioIn @labels(IRadioFrame); // to receive radio frames }File: src/inet/linklayer/contract/IWirelessNic.ned