Package: inet.linklayer.bmac
simple moduleImplementation of B-MAC (called also Berkeley MAC, Low Power Listening or LPL). See C++ documentation for details.
Inheritance diagram
The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.
Name | Type | Description |
MACProtocolBase | simple module |
Module base for different MAC protocols. |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
interfaceTableModule | string | ||
address | string | "auto" |
MAC address as hex string (12 hex digits), or "auto". "auto" values will be replaced by a generated MAC address in init stage 0. |
slotDuration | double | 0.1s |
BMAC specific parameters how long is one slot? |
headerLength | int | 10B | |
mtu | int | 0B | |
checkInterval | double | 0.01s |
how long is the check interval (CCA)? |
queueLength | int | 20 | |
animation | bool | true |
should we animate the nodes with colors depending on their state or not? |
bitrate | double | 19200 bps |
bit rate |
useMACAcks | bool | false |
should mac send and expect acknowledgments? |
macMaxFrameRetries | int | 3 |
maximum number of frame retransmission only used when usage of MAC acks is enabled |
radioModule | string | "^.radio" |
The path to the Radio module //FIXME remove default value |
maxTxAttempts | int | 2 |
Maximum transmission attempts per data packet, when ACKs are used |
Name | Value | Description |
display | i=block/rxtx | |
class | BMacLayer |
Name | Direction | Size | Description |
upperLayerIn | input | ||
upperLayerOut | output | ||
lowerLayerIn | input | ||
lowerLayerOut | output |
Name | Type | Unit |
NF_LINK_BREAK | inet::BMacFrame |
Source code
// // Implementation of B-MAC (called also Berkeley MAC, Low Power Listening or // LPL). // See C++ documentation for details. // simple BMacLayer extends MACProtocolBase like IMACProtocol { parameters: string address @mutable = default("auto"); // MAC address as hex string (12 hex digits), or // "auto". "auto" values will be replaced by // a generated MAC address in init stage 0. // BMAC specific parameters // how long is one slot? double slotDuration @unit(s) = default(0.1s); int headerLength @unit(B) = default(10B); int mtu @unit("B") = default(0B); // how long is the check interval (CCA)? double checkInterval @unit(s) = default(0.01s); // size of the MAC queue (maximum number of packets in Tx buffer) int queueLength = default(20); // should we animate the nodes with colors depending on their state or // not? bool animation = default(true); // bit rate double bitrate @unit(bps) = default(19200 bps); //should mac send and expect acknowledgments? bool useMACAcks = default(false); // maximum number of frame retransmission // only used when usage of MAC acks is enabled int macMaxFrameRetries = default(3); string radioModule = default("^.radio"); // The path to the Radio module //FIXME remove default value int maxTxAttempts = default(2); // Maximum transmission attempts per data packet, when ACKs are used @class(BMacLayer); @signal[NF_LINK_BREAK](type=inet::BMacFrame); }File: src/inet/linklayer/bmac/BMacLayer.ned