
Namespace inet::ieee80211



Losely based on MLME-AUTHENTICATE.request.

Note: the "authType" parameter (Open System, Shared Key, etc) is omitted. The authentication procedure is simulated by this model by exchanging a number of "dummy" authentication frames without real contents, and it is configured in the AP how many authentication steps it requires.


Name Type Description
Ieee80211PrimRequest (unknown -- not in documented files)


Name Type Description
address MACAddress
timeout simtime_t

Source code

// Losely based on MLME-AUTHENTICATE.request.
// Note: the "authType" parameter (Open System, Shared Key, etc) is omitted.
// The authentication procedure is simulated by this model by exchanging
// a number of "dummy" authentication frames without real contents,
// and it is configured in the AP how many authentication steps it requires.
class Ieee80211Prim_AuthenticateRequest extends Ieee80211PrimRequest
    MACAddress address;
    simtime_t timeout;

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg