
Namespace inet::ieee80211



(no description)


Name Type Description
Ieee80211BlockAckReq (unknown -- not in documented files)


Name Type Description

byteLength TODO The RA field of the BlockAck frame is the address of the recipient STA that requested the Block Ack. The TA field is the address of the STA transmitting the BlockAck frame.


TODO: unimplemented

Source code

packet Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAckReq extends Ieee80211BlockAckReq
    // byteLength TODO
    // The RA field of the BlockAck frame is the address of the recipient STA that requested the Block Ack.
    // The TA field is the address of the STA transmitting the BlockAck frame.
    type = ST_BLOCKACK_REQ;
    // The BAR Information field of the Compressed BlockAckReq frame contains the Block Ack Starting
    // Sequence Control subfield, as shown in Figure 8-21. The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block
    // Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU or A-MSDU for
    // which this BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield of the Block Ack Starting Sequence
    // Control subfield is set to 0.

    multiTid = 1;
    compressedBitmap = 1;

    // TODO: unimplemented

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg