
Namespace inet::ieee80211



The common part of 802.11 frames.

NOTE: FCS value is not explicitly modeled, but it is included in the length. Frame control format fields not supported by this model are omitted: MoreFlag, PowerMgmt, MoreData, WEP, Order.


Name Type Description
type short

type and subtype

toDS bool
fromDS bool
retry bool
moreFragments bool
duration simtime_t

TODO: rename to durationField (levy)

AID short

"id" (Association ID) in the Duration/ID field (-1=no ID)

receiverAddress MACAddress

aka address1

MACArrive simtime_t

FIXME remove it, technical data, used inside of MAC module

Source code

// The common part of 802.11 frames.
// NOTE:
// FCS value is not explicitly modeled, but it is included in the length.
// Frame control format fields not supported by this model are omitted:
// MoreFlag, PowerMgmt, MoreData, WEP, Order.
packet Ieee80211Frame
    byteLength = LENGTH_ACK / 8;
    short type @enum(Ieee80211FrameType); // type and subtype
    bool toDS;
    bool fromDS;
    bool retry;
    bool moreFragments;
    // TODO: rename to durationField (levy)
    simtime_t duration = -1; // "duration" in the Duration/ID field (-1=no duration)
    short AID = -1;          // "id" (Association ID) in the Duration/ID field (-1=no ID)
    MACAddress receiverAddress; // aka address1
    simtime_t MACArrive;    // FIXME remove it, technical data, used inside of MAC module

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg