
Namespace inet::ieee80211


packet Compressed BlockAck variant


Name Type Description
Ieee80211BlockAck (unknown -- not in documented files)


Name Type Description

byteLength TODO


The BA Information field of the Compressed BlockAck frame comprises the Block Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield and the Block Ack Bitmap subfield, as shown in Figure 8-27.

fragmentNumber int
startingSequenceNumber int
blockAckBitmap BitVector

64 bits

tidInfo int

The TID_INFO subfield of the BA Control field of the Compressed BlockAck frame contains the TID for which this BlockAck frame is sent.

Source code

// Compressed BlockAck variant
packet Ieee80211CompressedBlockAck extends Ieee80211BlockAck
    // byteLength TODO
    multiTid = 0;
    compressedBitmap = 1;

    // The BA Information field of the Compressed BlockAck frame comprises the Block Ack Starting Sequence
    // Control subfield and the Block Ack Bitmap subfield, as shown in Figure 8-27.

    int fragmentNumber = 0;
    int startingSequenceNumber;
    BitVector blockAckBitmap; // 64 bits

    // The TID_INFO subfield of the BA Control field of the Compressed BlockAck frame contains the TID for
    // which this BlockAck frame is sent.
    int tidInfo;

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg