
Namespace inet::ieee80211



Table 8-203���ADDBA Request frame Action field format -- 736p.


Name Type Description
Ieee80211ActionFrame (unknown -- not in documented files)


Name Type Description

representing Block Ack

blockAckAction int

representing ADDBA request

dialogToken int

nonzero, arbitrary

aMsduSupported bool

Block Ack Parameter Set field

blockAckPolicy bool

The Block Ack Policy subfield is set to 1 for immediate Block Ack and 0 for delayed Block Ack.

tid int

The TID subfield contains the value of the TC or TS for which the BlockAck is being requested.

bufferSize int

The Buffer Size subfield indicates the number of buffers available for this particular TID

blockAckTimeoutValue simtime_t

Block Ack Timeout Value field The Block Ack Timeout Value field contains the duration, in TUs, after which the Block Ack setup is terminated, if there are no frame exchanges (see 10.5.4) within this duration using this Block Ack agreement. A value of 0 disables the timeout.

_fragmentNumber int

Block Ack Starting Sequence Control The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU for which this Basic BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield is set to 0.

startingSequenceNumber int

the sequence number of the first MSDU

Source code

// Table 8-203���ADDBA Request frame Action field format -- 736p.
packet Ieee80211AddbaRequest extends Ieee80211ActionFrame
    byteLength = LENGTH_ADDBAREQ / 8;
    category = 3; // representing Block Ack
    int blockAckAction = 0; // representing ADDBA request
    int dialogToken = 1; // nonzero, arbitrary

    // Block Ack Parameter Set field
    bool aMsduSupported; // The A-MSDU Supported subfield determines whether an A-MSDU may be carried in a QoS data MPDU sent under this Block Ack agreement.
    bool blockAckPolicy; // The Block Ack Policy subfield is set to 1 for immediate Block Ack and 0 for delayed Block Ack.
    int tid; // The TID subfield contains the value of the TC or TS for which the BlockAck is being requested.
    int bufferSize; // The Buffer Size subfield indicates the number of buffers available for this particular TID

    // Block Ack Timeout Value field
    // The Block Ack Timeout Value field contains the duration, in TUs, after which the Block Ack setup is
    // terminated, if there are no frame exchanges (see 10.5.4) within this duration using this Block Ack
    //  agreement. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
    simtime_t blockAckTimeoutValue;

    // Block Ack Starting Sequence Control
    // The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU for which this Basic
    // BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield is set to 0.
    int _fragmentNumber = 0; // FIXME: DataOrMgmtFreme has a fragmentNumber
    int startingSequenceNumber; // the sequence number of the first MSDU


File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg