
Msg File src/inet/transportlayer/rtp/RtcpPacket.msg

Name Type Description
RtcpPacketType enum (no description)
RtcpPacket class (no description)
RtcpReceiverReportPacket class (no description)
RtcpSdesPacket class (no description)
RtcpByePacket class (no description)
RtcpSenderReportPacket class (no description)

Source code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk;
import inet.transportlayer.rtp.Reports;

#include "inet/transportlayer/rtp/Sdes.h"

namespace inet;

namespace inet::rtp;

enum RtcpPacketType
    RTCP_PT_UNDEF =   0; // default value undefined
    RTCP_PT_SR    = 200; // sender report
    RTCP_PT_RR    = 201; // receiver report
    RTCP_PT_SDES  = 202; // source description
    RTCP_PT_BYE   = 203; // bye

class RtcpPacket extends FieldsChunk
    chunkLength = B(4);
    int8_t version = 2;
    bool padding = 0;   // (1 bits) Used to indicate if there are extra padding bytes at the end of the RTP packet. A padding might be used to fill up a block of certain size, for example as required by an encryption algorithm. The last byte of the padding contains the number of padding bytes that were added (including itself).
    short count = 0;    // RC (Reception report count ): (5 bits) The number of reception report blocks contained in this packet. A value of zero is valid.
    RtcpPacketType packetType = RTCP_PT_UNDEF;      // (8 bits) Contains a constant to identify RTCP packet type.
    int rtcpLength = 0;     // (16 bits) Indicates The length of this RTCP packet in 32-bit words minus one, including the header and any padding.

cplusplus(RtcpPacket) {{
    /** padding RtcpPacket to 32 bit words and set the rtcpLength field (based on chunkLength field) **/
    void paddingAndSetLength();

class RtcpReceiverReportPacket extends RtcpPacket
    packetType = RTCP_PT_RR;
    chunkLength = getChunkLength() + B(4);
    uint32_t ssrc = 0;
    cArray receptionReports;

cplusplus(RtcpReceiverReportPacket) {{
    /** Adds a receiver report to this receiver report packet. */
    virtual void addReceptionReport(ReceptionReport *report);

class RtcpSdesPacket extends RtcpPacket
    packetType = RTCP_PT_SDES;
    cArray sdesChunks;

cplusplus(RtcpSdesPacket) {{
    void addSDESChunk(SdesChunk *sdesChunk);

class RtcpByePacket extends RtcpPacket
    packetType = RTCP_PT_BYE;
    chunkLength = getChunkLength() + B(4);
    count = 1;
    uint32_t ssrc = 0;

class RtcpSenderReportPacket extends RtcpReceiverReportPacket
    packetType = RTCP_PT_SR;
    chunkLength = getChunkLength() + B(20);
    SenderReport senderReport;