
Msg File src/inet/routing/pim/PimPacket.msg

Name Type Description
PimPacketType enum (no description)
PimHelloOptionType enum (no description)
EncodedUnicastAddress struct (no description)
EncodedGroupAddress struct (no description)
EncodedSourceAddress struct (no description)
HelloOption class (no description)
HoldtimeOption class (no description)
LanPruneDelayOption class (no description)
DrPriorityOption class (no description)
GenerationIdOption class (no description)
AddressListOption class (no description)
PimPacket class


PimHello class

Hello message DM, SM

JoinPruneGroup class

Record for Join/Prune message in structure it is not possible to use dynamic arrays, it is needed to use class

PimJoinPrune class

Join/Prune message DM, SM

PimAssert class

Assert message DM, SM

PimGraft class

Graft message, only message send by unicast DM

PimStateRefresh class

State Refresh message DM

PimRegister class

Register message SM

PimRegisterStop class

Register-Stop message SM

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2013 Brno University of Technology (http://nes.fit.vutbr.cz/ansa)
// Copyright (C) 2019 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

// Authors: Veronika Rybova, Vladimir Vesely ([email protected]),
//          Tamas Borbely ([email protected])

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.Units;
import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk;
import inet.networklayer.common.L3Address;
import inet.transportlayer.common.CrcMode;

namespace inet;

cplusplus {{
const B ENCODED_GROUP_ADDRESS_LENGTH = B(8); // Ipv4 only
const B ENCODED_SOURCE_ADDRESS_LENGTH = B(8); // Ipv4 only

enum PimPacketType
   Hello = 0;
   Register = 1;
   RegisterStop = 2;
   JoinPrune = 3;
   Bootstrap = 4;
   Assert = 5;
   Graft = 6;
   GraftAck = 7;
   CandidateRPAdvertisement = 8;
   StateRefresh = 9;    // in RFC 3973

enum PimHelloOptionType
   Holdtime = 1;
   LANPruneDelay = 2;
   DRPriority = 19;
   GenerationID = 20;
   StateRefreshCapable = 21;
   AddressList = 24;

struct EncodedUnicastAddress
    L3Address unicastAddress;

struct EncodedGroupAddress
    bool        B;
    short       reserved = 0;
    bool        Z;
    short       maskLength = 32;    //TODO Remove initializer, 32 for IPv4 only!!!
    L3Address   groupAddress;

struct EncodedSourceAddress
    short       reserved = 0;
    bool        S;
    bool        W;                //WC bit
    bool        R;                //RPT bit
    short       maskLength = 32;    //TODO Remove initializer, 32 for IPv4 only!!!
    L3Address   sourceAddress;

class HelloOption extends cObject
    PimHelloOptionType type;

class HoldtimeOption extends HelloOption
    type = Holdtime;
    uint16_t holdTime; // (in seconds)

class LanPruneDelayOption extends HelloOption
    type = LANPruneDelay;
    bool     T = false;
    uint16_t propagationDelay;
    uint16_t overrideInterval;

class DrPriorityOption extends HelloOption
    type = DRPriority;
    uint32_t priority;

class GenerationIdOption extends HelloOption
    type = GenerationID;
    uint32_t generationID;

class AddressListOption extends HelloOption
    EncodedUnicastAddress secondaryAddresses[];

// Header
class PimPacket extends FieldsChunk
    short          version = 2;
    PimPacketType  type;
    short          reserved = 0;    // 8 bits
    uint16_t       crc = 0;         // The checksum is a standard IP checksum, i.e., the 16-bit one's
                                    // complement of the one's complement sum of the entire PIM
                                    // message, excluding the "Multicast data packet" section of the
                                    // Register message.  For computing the checksum, the checksum
                                    // field is zeroed.  If the packet's length is not an integral
                                    // number of 16-bit words, the packet is padded with a trailing
                                    // byte of zero before performing the checksum.
                                    // For IPv6, the checksum also includes the IPv6 "pseudo-header",
                                    // as specified in RFC 2460, Section 8.1 [5].  This "pseudo-header"
                                    // is prepended to the PIM header for the purposes of calculating
                                    // the checksum.  The "Upper-Layer Packet Length" in the pseudo-
                                    // header is set to the length of the PIM message, except in
                                    // Register messages where it is set to the length of the PIM
                                    // register header (8).  The Next Header value used in the pseudo-
                                    // header is 103.
    CrcMode        crcMode = CRC_MODE_UNDEFINED;

// Hello message
// DM, SM
class PimHello extends PimPacket
    type = Hello;
    HelloOption *options[] @owned @allowReplace;

// Record for Join/Prune message
// in structure it is not possible to use dynamic arrays, it is needed to use class
class JoinPruneGroup extends cObject
    EncodedGroupAddress   groupAddress;
    EncodedSourceAddress  joinedSourceAddress[];
    EncodedSourceAddress  prunedSourceAddress[];

// Join/Prune message
// DM, SM
class PimJoinPrune extends PimPacket
    type = JoinPrune;
    EncodedUnicastAddress  upstreamNeighborAddress;    //TODO replace to L3Address
    int                    reserved2 = 0;
    int                    holdTime;    // in seconds
    JoinPruneGroup         joinPruneGroups[];

// Assert message
// DM, SM
class PimAssert extends PimPacket
    type = Assert;
    EncodedGroupAddress    groupAddress;
    EncodedUnicastAddress  sourceAddress;
    bool                   R;
    int                    metric;
    int                    metricPreference;

// Graft message, only message send by unicast
// DM
class PimGraft extends PimJoinPrune
    type = Graft;
    holdTime = 0;

// GraftAck message
// DM
// create a PimGraft, then set type = GraftAck

// State Refresh message
// DM
class PimStateRefresh extends PimPacket
    type = StateRefresh;
    EncodedGroupAddress    groupAddress;
    EncodedUnicastAddress  sourceAddress;
    EncodedUnicastAddress  originatorAddress;
    bool                   R;
    int                    metricPreference;
    int                    metric;
    short                  maskLen;
    short                  ttl;
    bool                   P;
    bool                   N;
    bool                   O;
    short                  reserved2;
    short                  interval;
// Register message
// SM
class PimRegister extends PimPacket
    type = Register;
    bool            B;
    bool            N;
    uint32_t        reserved2;

// Register-Stop message
// SM
class PimRegisterStop extends PimPacket
    type = RegisterStop;
    EncodedGroupAddress    groupAddress;
    EncodedUnicastAddress  sourceAddress;