
NED File src/inet/queueing/meter/MultiTokenBucketMeter.ned

Name Type Description
MultiTokenBucketMeter simple module

This module labels packets according to the first token bucket that contains the required number of tokens. If no such token bucket is found then the default label is attached to the packet.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.queueing.meter;

import inet.queueing.base.PacketMeterBase;
import inet.queueing.contract.IPacketMeter;

// This module labels packets according to the first token bucket that contains
// the required number of tokens. If no such token bucket is found then the
// default label is attached to the packet.
simple MultiTokenBucketMeter extends PacketMeterBase like IPacketMeter
        object buckets; // array of objects specifying the token buckets, see ~TokenBucketMeter for parameters
                        // example: [{initialNumTokens: 100, maxNumTokens: 1000, tokenProductionRate: 10, label: "green", excessTokenModule: ".other"}]
        double tokenConsumptionPerPacket = default(0); // how many tokens are consumed per packet
        double tokenConsumptionPerBit = default(1); // how many tokens are consumed per bit
        string defaultLabel = default(""); // the label that is attached to packets if there are not enouth tokens in the bucket, no label by default
        object labelPriority = default([]); // the list of labels in the order of priority, if specified packets can only be promoted in this order
        displayStringTextFormat = default("contains %n tk\nmetered %p pk (%l)");
        @statistic[numTokens](title="number of tokens"; source=tokensChanged; record=vector; unit=tk; interpolationmode=linear);