
NED File src/inet/queueing/gate/PeriodicGate.ned

Name Type Description
PeriodicGate simple module

This module allows or forbids packets to pass through depending on whether the gate is open or closed. The gate is open and closed according to the list of change times periodically.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.queueing.gate;

import inet.queueing.base.PacketGateBase;
import inet.queueing.contract.IPacketGate;

// This module allows or forbids packets to pass through depending on whether
// the gate is open or closed. The gate is open and closed according to the list
// of change times periodically.
simple PeriodicGate extends PacketGateBase like IPacketGate
        string clockModule = default(""); // relative path of a module that implements IClock; optional
        bool initiallyOpen @mutable = default(true); // specifies if the gate is initially open or closed
        double offset @mutable @unit(s) = default(0s); // specifies where the period starts in the list of gate state change durations; where it is in the period at the start
        object durations @mutable @unit(s) = default([]); // list of time durations within the period that determine if the gate is open or closed; period is the sum of the durations
        bool scheduleForAbsoluteTime = default(true); // when a clock is used relative means that setting the clock will not affect the simulation time of the event
        int openSchedulingPriority = default(0); // FES scheduling priority for the next gate open event
        int closeSchedulingPriority = default(0); // FES scheduling priority for the next gate close event
        bool enableImplicitGuardBand = default(true); // implicit guard band means that a packet is not allowed to be forwarded if it cannot finish transmission before the end of window.
        @statistic[guardBandState](title="guard band state"; type=enum; enum=ON, OFF; source=guardBandStateChanged; record=vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold);