
NED File src/inet/queueing/gate/CreditBasedGate.ned

Name Type Description
CreditBasedGate simple module

This module is a packet gate that operates based on the number of credits it contains. The gate is open if the number of credits is greater than the configured transmit credit limit, it is closed otherwise. The module attaches a CreditGateTag to all packets that pass through. The attached tag allows the gate module to determine if a packet belongs to it when the packet is eventually transmitted.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.queueing.gate;

import inet.queueing.base.PacketGateBase;
import inet.queueing.contract.IPacketGate;

// This module is a packet gate that operates based on the number of credits
// it contains. The gate is open if the number of credits is greater than the
// configured transmit credit limit, it is closed otherwise. The module attaches
// a ~CreditGateTag to all packets that pass through. The attached tag allows
// the gate module to determine if a packet belongs to it when the packet is
// eventually transmitted.
// The number of credits decreases if a packet that passed through this gate is
// currently being transmitted by the network interface. Otherwise, the number
// of credits increases below the transmit credit limit or if there are packets
// waiting to be transmitted. Besides, the number of credits immediately drops
// down to the transmit credit limit if no more packets are available after the
// network interface finishes a transmission from this gate.
// This module is part of the credit based shaper infrastructure.
// @see ~CreditGateTag, ~PacketQueue
simple CreditBasedGate extends PacketGateBase like IPacketGate
        double idleCreditGainRate; // rate of credit increase while the packets that passed through this gate don't use the physical channel
        double transmitCreditSpendRate; // rate of credit decrease while the packets that passed through this gate use the physical channel
        double initialCredit = default(0); // initial number of credits
        double transmitCreditLimit = default(0); // credit limit above which the gate is open
        double minCredit = default(-inf); // minimum number of credits
        double maxCredit = default(inf); // maximum number of credits
        bool accumulateCreditInGuardBand = default(false); // whether credit increases during implicit guard band when no packets can be sent anymore
        displayStringTextFormat = default("contains %n cr\nserved %p pk (%l)"); // determines display string text above the submodule
        @statistic[numCredits](title="number of credits"; source=creditsChanged; record=vector; unit=cr; interpolationmode=linear);