
NED File src/inet/queueing/buffer/PacketBuffer.ned

Name Type Description
PacketBuffer simple module

This module provides packet storage for sharing and optimizing storage space between multiple packet queues. When a packet buffer becomes overloaded, the packet dropping strategy can drop any number of packets from any number of connected packet queues.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.queueing.buffer;

import inet.queueing.base.PacketBufferBase;
import inet.queueing.contract.IPacketBuffer;

// This module provides packet storage for sharing and optimizing storage space
// between multiple packet queues. When a packet buffer becomes overloaded, the
// packet dropping strategy can drop any number of packets from any number of
// connected packet queues.
// @see ~IPacketQueue
simple PacketBuffer extends PacketBufferBase like IPacketBuffer
        int packetCapacity = default(-1); // maximum number of packets in the queue, no limit by default
        int dataCapacity @unit(b) = default(-1b); // maximum total length of packets in the queue, no limit by default
        string dropperClass = default(""); // determines which packets are dropped when the buffer is overloaded, packets are not dropped by default; the parameter must be the name of a C++ class which implements the IPacketDropperFunction C++ interface and is registered via Register_Class
        // the statistical value is the added packet
        @statistic[addedPackets](title="added packets"; source=packetAdded; record=count; unit=pk);
        // the statistical value is the length of the added packet
        @statistic[addedPacketLengths](title="added packet lengths"; source=packetLength(packetAdded); record=sum,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the removed packet
        @statistic[removedPackets](title="removed packets"; source=packetRemoved; record=count; unit=pk);
        // the statistical value is the length of the removed packet
        @statistic[removedPacketLengths](title="removed packet lengths"; source=packetLength(packetRemoved); record=sum,vector; unit=pk; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the number of packets in the buffer
        @statistic[bufferLength](title="buffer length"; source=warmup(count(packetAdded) - count(packetRemoved) - count(packetDropped)); record=last,max,timeavg,vector; unit=pk; interpolationmode=sample-hold);
        // the statistical value is the total bit length of all packets in the buffer
        @statistic[bufferBitLength](title="buffer bit length"; source=warmup(sum(packetLength(packetAdded)) - sum(packetLength(packetRemoved)) - sum(packetLength(packetDropped))); record=last,max,timeavg,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=sample-hold; autoWarmupFilter=false);
        // the statistical value is the packet that is dropped due to queue overflow
        @statistic[droppedPacketsQueueOverflow](title="dropped packets: queue overflow"; source=packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(packetDropped); record=count; unit=pk; interpolationmode=none);
        // the statistical value is the length of the packet that is dropped due to queue overflow
        @statistic[droppedPacketLengthsQueueOverflow](title="dropped packet lengths: queue overflow"; source=packetLength(packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(packetDropped)); record=sum,vector; unit=b; interpolationmode=none);