
NED File src/inet/protocolelement/shaper/EligibilityTimeQueue.ned

Name Type Description
EligibilityTimeQueue simple module

This module is a packet queue that keeps the packets in ascending order based on the eligibility time in the attached EligibilityTimeTag of the packets.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.protocolelement.shaper;

import inet.queueing.queue.PacketQueue;

// This module is a packet queue that keeps the packets in ascending order based
// on the eligibility time in the attached ~EligibilityTimeTag of the packets.
// This module is part of the asynchronous shaper infrastructure.
// @see ~EligibilityTimeGate, ~EligibilityTimeFilter, ~EligibilityTimeMeter, ~EligibilityTimeTag
simple EligibilityTimeQueue extends PacketQueue
        comparatorClass = default("inet::PacketEligibilityTimeComparator"); // specifies the class that compares the eligibility time in the ~EligibilityTimeTag of two packets