
NED File src/inet/power/contract/ICcEnergyStorage.ned

Name Type Description
ICcEnergyStorage module interface

This interface extends the corresponding energy model interface. It requires implementations to describe energy consumption and energy generation with current [A], and storage capacity with charge [C] and output voltage [V]. The Cc is an abbreviation that is used for charge and current based interfaces.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.power.contract;

// This interface extends the corresponding energy model interface. It requires
// implementations to describe energy consumption and energy generation with
// current [A], and storage capacity with charge [C] and output voltage [V].
// The Cc is an abbreviation that is used for charge and current based interfaces.
// @see ~ICcEnergyConsumer, ~ICcEnergySource, ~ICcEnergyGenerator, ~ICcEnergySink, ~ICcEnergyManagement
moduleinterface ICcEnergyStorage extends ICcEnergySource, ICcEnergySink, IEnergyStorage