
NED File src/inet/physicallayer/wireless/apsk/bitlevel/ApskEncoder.ned

Name Type Description
ApskEncoder compound module

This module is part of a simple hypothetical layered transmitter. It computes the bit domain representation from the packet domain representation by applying the configured scrambling, forward errror correction encoding, and interleaving.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2014 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.physicallayer.wireless.apsk.bitlevel;

import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.bitlevel.IEncoder;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.bitlevel.IFecCoder;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.bitlevel.IInterleaver;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.bitlevel.IScrambler;

// This module is part of a simple hypothetical layered transmitter. It computes
// the bit domain representation from the packet domain representation by applying
// the configured scrambling, forward errror correction encoding, and interleaving.
// @see ~ApskDecoder, ~ApskLayeredReceiver.
module ApskEncoder like IEncoder

        scrambler: <default("")> like IScrambler if typename != "" {
        fecEncoder: <default("")> like IFecCoder if typename != "" {
        interleaver: <default("")> like IInterleaver if typename != "" {