
Msg File src/inet/physicallayer/wired/ethernet/EthernetSignal.msg

Name Type Description
EthernetSignalBase packet

Abstract base class for various Ethernet traffic types: EtherJam, EtherFilledIfg and EtherPhyFrame.

EthernetSignal packet

Represents dataframe on the Ethernet.

EthernetJamSignal packet

Represents jam on the Ethernet.

EthernetFilledIfgSignal packet

Represents a filled inter-frame gap in burst mode. Also used for calculating IFG times.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.physicallayer.common.Signal;

cplusplus {{
#include "inet/linklayer/ethernet/common/Ethernet.h"

namespace inet::physicallayer;

// Abstract base class for various Ethernet traffic types:
// EtherJam, EtherFilledIfg and EtherPhyFrame.
packet EthernetSignalBase extends Signal
    bool srcMacFullDuplex;  // meta-info, for detecting model misconfiguration
    double bitrate;  // meta-info, for detecting model misconfiguration

// Represents dataframe on the Ethernet.
packet EthernetSignal extends EthernetSignalBase

// Represents jam on the Ethernet.
packet EthernetJamSignal extends EthernetSignalBase
    srcMacFullDuplex = false;
    long abortedPkTreeID = 0;  // this field stores the packetTreeId of the aborted packet

// Represents a filled inter-frame gap in burst mode.
// Also used for calculating IFG times.
packet EthernetFilledIfgSignal extends EthernetSignalBase
    srcMacFullDuplex = false;
    bitLength = b(INTERFRAME_GAP_BITS).get();