
NED File src/inet/node/tsn/TsnClock.ned

Name Type Description
TsnClock compound module

This module represents a hardware device containing a high precision hardware clock. The device also contains a gPTP protocol implementation and acts as a gPTP master node in the network.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.node.tsn;

import inet.linklayer.ieee8021as.GptpMaster;

// This module represents a hardware device containing a high precision hardware
// clock. The device also contains a gPTP protocol implementation and acts as a
// gPTP master node in the network.
module TsnClock extends GptpMaster
        bool hasCutthroughSwitching = default(false); // enable cut-through switching support
        clock.typename = default("OscillatorBasedClock"); // master clocks cannot be set
        ethernet.typename = default("EthernetLayer"); // use Ethernet protocol layer outside of network interfaces
        eth[*].typename = default("LayeredEthernetInterface"); // switch to modular Ethernet interface
        eth[*].phyLayer.typename = default(hasCutthroughSwitching ? "EthernetStreamingPhyLayer" : "EthernetPhyLayer"); // use packet streaming when cut-through switching is enabled
        @display("i=device/card"); // change icon to emphasise hardware device