
NED File src/inet/node/inet/WirelessHost.ned

Name Type Description
WirelessHost compound module

Models a host with (default) one wireless (802.11) card in infrastructure mode. This module is basically a StandardHost with an Ieee80211Interface with mgmt.typename = Ieee80211MgmtSta added. It should be used in conjunction with AccessPoint, or any other AP model which contains Ieee80211Interface with mgmt.typename = Ieee80211MgmtAp.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.node.inet;

// Models a host with (default) one wireless (802.11) card in infrastructure mode.
// This module is basically a ~StandardHost with an ~Ieee80211Interface with
// mgmt.typename = ~Ieee80211MgmtSta added.
// It should be used in conjunction with ~AccessPoint, or any other AP model
// which contains ~Ieee80211Interface with mgmt.typename = ~Ieee80211MgmtAp.
module WirelessHost extends StandardHost
        numWlanInterfaces = default(1);