Msg File src/inet/networklayer/ipv4/Ipv4Header.msg
Name | Type | Description |
Ipv4OptionClass | enum |
Ipv4 options class |
Ipv4OptionType | enum |
Ipv4 option types |
TimestampFlag | enum |
The timestamp flag uses the same numeric values as the Ipv4 Protocol |
Ipv4Option | class | (no description) |
Ipv4OptionNop | class | (no description) |
Ipv4OptionEnd | class | (no description) |
Ipv4OptionRecordRoute | class |
Option structure: Record Route |
Ipv4OptionTimestamp | class |
Option structure: Timestamp |
Ipv4OptionStreamId | class |
Option Structure: Stream ID |
Ipv4OptionRouterAlert | class |
Option Structure: Stream ID |
Ipv4OptionUnknown | class | (no description) |
Ipv4Header | class |
Represents an Ipv4 datagram. |
Source code
// // Copyright (C) 2000 Institut fuer Telematik, Universitaet Karlsruhe // Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 OpenSim Ltd. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // import inet.common.INETDefs; import inet.common.TlvOptions; import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk; import inet.networklayer.common.IpProtocolId; import inet.networklayer.contract.NetworkHeaderBase; import inet.networklayer.contract.ipv4.Ipv4Address; import inet.transportlayer.common.CrcMode; cplusplus {{ #include "inet/common/ProtocolGroup.h" }} namespace inet; cplusplus {{ // default Ipv4 header length: 20 bytes const B IPv4_MIN_HEADER_LENGTH = B(20); // maximum Ipv4 header length (base+options): 60 = 4 * 15 bytes const B IPv4_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH = B(60); // option type fields const unsigned char IPOPTION_COPY_MASK = 0x80; const unsigned char IPOPTION_CLASS_MASK = 0x60; const unsigned char IPOPTION_NUMBER_MASK = 0x1F; // option entry number const unsigned int MAX_IPADDR_OPTION_ENTRIES = 9; const unsigned int MAX_TIMESTAMP_OPTION_ENTRIES = 4; }} // // Ipv4 options class // enum Ipv4OptionClass { IPOPTION_CLASS_CONTROL = 0; IPOPTION_CLASS_RESERVED = 1; IPOPTION_CLASS_DEBUGGING = 2; IPOPTION_CLASS_RESERVED2 = 3; }; // // Ipv4 option types // enum Ipv4OptionType { IPOPTION_END_OF_OPTIONS = 0; IPOPTION_NO_OPTION = 1; IPOPTION_STREAM_ID = 136; IPOPTION_TIMESTAMP = 68; IPOPTION_SECURITY = 130; IPOPTION_LOOSE_SOURCE_ROUTING = 131; IPOPTION_RECORD_ROUTE = 7; IPOPTION_STRICT_SOURCE_ROUTING = 137; IPOPTION_ROUTER_ALERT = 148; IPOPTION_TLV_GPSR = 47; }; // // The timestamp flag uses the same numeric values as the Ipv4 Protocol // enum TimestampFlag { IP_TIMESTAMP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY = 0; IP_TIMESTAMP_WITH_ADDRESS = 1; IP_TIMESTAMP_SENDER_INIT_ADDRESS = 3; } class Ipv4Option extends TlvOptionBase { } class Ipv4OptionNop extends Ipv4Option { type = IPOPTION_NO_OPTION; length = 1; } class Ipv4OptionEnd extends Ipv4Option { type = IPOPTION_END_OF_OPTIONS; length = 1; } // // Option structure: Record Route // class Ipv4OptionRecordRoute extends Ipv4Option { // type = IPOPTION_RECORD_ROUTE; // type = IPOPTION_LOOSE_SOURCE_ROUTING // type = IPOPTION_STRICT_SOURCE_ROUTING // length = 3 + 4 * getRecordAddressArraySize(); short nextAddressIdx; // pointer = 4 + 4 * nextAddressIdx Ipv4Address recordAddress[]; // max size is 9 } // // Option structure: Timestamp // class Ipv4OptionTimestamp extends Ipv4Option { type = IPOPTION_TIMESTAMP; // length = 4 + 4 * getRecordAddressArraySize() + 4 * getRecordTimestampArraySize(); TimestampFlag flag; short overflow; short nextIdx; // pointer = 5 + (flag == IP_TIMESTAMP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY ? 4 : 8) * nextIdx // use either up to 4 addresses with timestamps or // only up to 9 timestamps, according to the flag Ipv4Address recordAddress[]; simtime_t recordTimestamp[]; } // // Option Structure: Stream ID // class Ipv4OptionStreamId extends Ipv4Option { type = IPOPTION_STREAM_ID; length = 4; short streamId; } // // Option Structure: Stream ID // class Ipv4OptionRouterAlert extends Ipv4Option { type = IPOPTION_ROUTER_ALERT; length = 4; uint16_t routerAlert = 0; } class Ipv4OptionUnknown extends Ipv4Option { // type = any // length = 2 + getBytesArraySize() uint8_t bytes[]; } // // Represents an Ipv4 datagram. // // Uses the following cPacket fields: // - getByteLength() / setByteLength() to represent total datagram length // - hasBitError() / setBitError() to represent datagram correctness // - getTimestamp() / setTimestamp (simtime) used in timestamp option // // Additional length fields defined in this class are in bytes. // // Only one of the option fields can exist at a time. // // TODO cleanup order of fields class Ipv4Header extends NetworkHeaderBase { chunkLength = IPv4_MIN_HEADER_LENGTH; short version = 4; // @bit(4) B headerLength = IPv4_MIN_HEADER_LENGTH; // @bit(4), bytes, must be multiple of 4 short typeOfService; // @bit(8) // OMNeT++ 6.0: // short __dscp @custom @getter(getDscp) @setter(setDscp); // @bit(6), maps to bits 0-5 of ToS, stored in typeOfService // short __ecn @custom @getter(getEcn) @setter(setEcn); // @bit(2), maps to bits 6-7 of ToS, stored in typeOfService B totalLengthField; // @byte(2) uint16_t identification; // @byte(2) bool reservedBit = false; // @bit(1) bool moreFragments; // @bit(1) bool dontFragment; // @bit(1) uint16_t fragmentOffset; // @bit(13), must be multiple of 8 short timeToLive; // @byte(1) IpProtocolId protocolId = IP_PROT_NONE; // @byte(1) uint16_t crc = 0; // @byte(2) CrcMode crcMode = CRC_MODE_UNDEFINED; Ipv4Address srcAddress; Ipv4Address destAddress; TlvOptions options; // array of option pointers, option pointers owned by datagram } cplusplus(Ipv4Header) {{ public: virtual short getDscp() const; virtual void setDscp(short dscp); virtual short getEcn() const; virtual void setEcn(short ecn); /** * Returns the number of extension headers in this datagram */ virtual unsigned int getOptionArraySize() const { return options.getTlvOptionArraySize(); } /** * Returns the kth extension header in this datagram */ virtual TlvOptionBase& getOptionForUpdate(unsigned int k) { handleChange(); return *CHK((options.getTlvOptionForUpdate(k))); } virtual const TlvOptionBase& getOption(unsigned int k) const { return *CHK((options.getTlvOption(k))); } /** * Returns the TlvOptionBase of the specified type, * or nullptr. If index is 0, then the first, if 1 then the * second option is returned. */ virtual TlvOptionBase *findMutableOptionByType(short int optionType, int index = 0); virtual const TlvOptionBase *findOptionByType(short int optionType, int index = 0) const; /** * Adds an TlvOptionBase to the datagram. */ virtual void addOption(TlvOptionBase *opt); virtual void addOption(TlvOptionBase *opt, int atPos); /** * Calculates the length of the Ipv6 header plus the extension * headers. */ virtual B calculateHeaderByteLength() const; // implements NetworkHeaderBase: virtual L3Address getSourceAddress() const override { return L3Address(getSrcAddress()); } virtual void setSourceAddress(const L3Address& address) override { setSrcAddress(address.toIpv4()); } virtual L3Address getDestinationAddress() const override { return L3Address(getDestAddress()); } virtual void setDestinationAddress(const L3Address& address) override { setDestAddress(address.toIpv4()); } virtual const Protocol *getProtocol() const override { return ProtocolGroup::getIpProtocolGroup()->findProtocol(getProtocolId()); } virtual void setProtocol(const Protocol *protocol) override { setProtocolId(static_cast<IpProtocolId>(ProtocolGroup::getIpProtocolGroup()->getProtocolNumber(protocol))); } virtual bool isFragment() const override { return getMoreFragments() || (getFragmentOffset() != 0); } // utility: calculate and set CRC based on crcMode virtual void updateCrc(); // utility: verify CRC virtual bool verifyCrc() const; }}