
NED File src/inet/networklayer/configurator/nexthop/NextHopNetworkConfigurator.ned

Name Type Description
NextHopNetworkConfigurator simple module

Adds routes to a NextHopRoutingTable similarly how Ipv4NetworkConfigurator adds static routes to Ipv4RoutingTable.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2012 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.networklayer.configurator.nexthop;

import inet.networklayer.configurator.base.L3NetworkConfiguratorBase;

// Adds routes to a ~NextHopRoutingTable similarly how ~Ipv4NetworkConfigurator adds
// static routes to ~Ipv4RoutingTable.
simple NextHopNetworkConfigurator extends L3NetworkConfiguratorBase
        xml config = default(xml("<config/>")); // XML configuration parameters
        bool addStaticRoutes = default(true);  // add static routes to the routing tables of all nodes to route to all destination interfaces (only where applicable; turn off when config file contains manual routes)
        bool dumpTopology = default(false);  // print extracted network topology to the module output
        bool dumpRoutes = default(false);    // print configured and optimized routing tables for all nodes to the module output