
Msg File src/inet/networklayer/common/EcnTag.msg

Name Type Description
IpEcnCode enum (no description)
EcnTagBase class

This is an abstract base class that should not be directly added as a tag.

EcnReq class

This request determines the explicit congestion notification that should be used to transmit the packet.

EcnInd class

This indication specifies the explicit congestion notification that was used to receive the packet.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.TagBase;

namespace inet;

enum IpEcnCode {
  IP_ECN_ECT_1 = 1;
  IP_ECN_ECT_0 = 2;
  IP_ECN_CE = 3;
// This is an abstract base class that should not be directly added as a tag.
class EcnTagBase extends TagBase
    int explicitCongestionNotification = -1; // explicit congestion notification

// This request determines the explicit congestion notification that should be used to transmit the packet.
class EcnReq extends EcnTagBase

// This indication specifies the explicit congestion notification that was used to receive the packet.
class EcnInd extends EcnTagBase