
Msg File src/inet/linklayer/lmac/LMacHeader.msg

Name Type Description
LMacType enum

TODO split to 2 enums: for packets / for self messages

LMacHeaderBase class

Base class for LMac headers.

LMacControlFrame class

Control Frame for LMac. Frame size is configurable in the MAC layer.

LMacDataFrameHeader class

Dataframe header for LMac. Frame size is configurable in the MAC layer.

Source code

// A LMAC packet header definition
// @author Anna Foerster

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk;
import inet.linklayer.common.MacAddress;

namespace inet;

//TODO split to 2 enums: for packets / for self messages
enum LMacType
    LMAC_CONTROL = 167;     // packet type
    LMAC_TIMEOUT = 168;
    LMAC_WAKEUP = 169;
    LMAC_SEND_DATA = 170;
    LMAC_SOMEBODY = 173;
    LMAC_DATA = 174;     // packet type
    LMAC_START_LMAC = 175;

// Base class for ~LMac headers.
class LMacHeaderBase extends FieldsChunk
    MacAddress srcAddr;
    MacAddress destAddr;
    LMacType   type;
    int        mySlot; // the node's current slot number
    MacAddress occupiedSlots[]; // currently known occupied slots

// Control Frame for ~LMac. Frame size is configurable
// in the MAC layer.
class LMacControlFrame extends LMacHeaderBase

// Dataframe header for ~LMac. Frame size is configurable
// in the MAC layer.
class LMacDataFrameHeader extends LMacHeaderBase
    int        networkProtocol = -1;