
NED File src/inet/linklayer/ieee8021as/MultiDomainGptp.ned

Name Type Description
MultiDomainGptp compound module

This module combines multiple Gptp modules, one per time domain into a multi time domain time synchronization module. Each gPTP time domain is automatically configured to use the corresponding subclock of the clock passed in to this module.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.linklayer.ieee8021as;

import inet.applications.contract.IApp;
import inet.queueing.classifier.PacketClassifier;
import inet.queueing.common.PacketMultiplexer;

// This module combines multiple ~Gptp modules, one per time domain into a multi
// time domain time synchronization module. Each gPTP time domain is automatically
// configured to use the corresponding subclock of the clock passed in to this
// module.
// @see ~MultiClock
module MultiDomainGptp like IApp
        string clockModule; // relative module path of the multi clock
        string interfaceTableModule; // relative module path of the interface table
        int numDomains; // number of time synchronization domains
        string gptpNodeType; // @enum("GptpNodeType"): MASTER_NODE, BRIDGE_NODE, SLAVE_NODE
        input socketIn;
        output socketOut;
        domain[numDomains]: <default("Gptp")> like IApp {
            gptpNodeType = default(parent.gptpNodeType);
            clockModule = default(absPath(parent.clockModule) + ".clock[" + string(this.index) + "]");
            interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(parent.interfaceTableModule));
            domainNumber = default(this.index);
        multiplexer: PacketMultiplexer {
        classifier: PacketClassifier {
            classifierClass = default("inet::GptpDomainNumberClassifier");
        for i=0..numDomains-1
            domain[i].socketOut -->;
            classifier.out++ --> domain[i].socketIn;

        socketIn --> { @display("m=s"); } -->;
        multiplexer.out --> { @display("m=s"); } --> socketOut;