
NED File src/inet/linklayer/ieee8021as/Gptp.ned

Name Type Description
Gptp simple module

This module implements the IEEE 802.1as protocol also known as gPTP. It measures link delays to neighboring gPTP network nodes periodically. The slave and master ports specify where are the connected gPTP network nodes and their roles in the time synchronization domain. The time synchronization is done periodically and the clock module is set.

Source code

// @authors: Enkhtuvshin Janchivnyambuu
//           Henning Puttnies
//           Peter Danielis
//           University of Rostock, Germany

package inet.linklayer.ieee8021as;

import inet.applications.contract.IApp;

// This module implements the IEEE 802.1as protocol also known as gPTP. It
// measures link delays to neighboring gPTP network nodes periodically. The
// slave and master ports specify where are the connected gPTP network nodes
// and their roles in the time synchronization domain. The time synchronization
// is done periodically and the clock module is set.
simple Gptp like IApp
        string clockModule = default(""); // relative path of a module that implements IClock; optional
        string interfaceTableModule; // relative path of the interface table module
        string gptpNodeType; // @enum("GptpNodeType"): MASTER_NODE, BRIDGE_NODE, SLAVE_NODE
        int domainNumber = default(0); // specifies the time domain number used in gPTP messages
        string slavePort = default(""); // port for receiving time (empty for MASTER_NODE)
        object masterPorts = default([]); // ports for sending out time (empty for SLAVE_NODE)
        double correctionField @unit(s) = default(0s); // time correction for link delay measurements
        double syncInterval @unit(s) = default(0.125s); // time interval between SYNC messages
        double pdelayInterval @unit(s) = default(1s); // frequency of link delay measurements
        double syncInitialOffset @unit(s) = default(syncInterval); // time of first SYNC message
        double pdelayInitialOffset @unit(s) = default(0s); // time of first link delay measurement

        // following parameters are used to schedule follow_up and pdelay_resp messages.
        // These numbers must be enough large to prevent creating queue in MAC layer.
        // It means it should be large than transmission time of message sent before
        double pDelayReqProcessingTime @unit(s) = default(8us);  // processing time between arrived PDelayReq and send of PDelayResp
        double followUpInterval @unit(s) = default(7us);

        @signal[localTime](type=simtime_t);  // as clocktime_t
        @statistic[localTime](record=vector; interpolationmode=linear);
        @statistic[timeDifference](record=vector; interpolationmode=linear);
        @statistic[rateRatio](record=vector; interpolationmode=samplehold);
        @statistic[peerDelay](record=vector; interpolationmode=samplehold);

        input socketIn;
        output socketOut;