
NED File src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtAp.ned

Name Type Description
Ieee80211MgmtAp simple module

Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode in an access point (AP).

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2006 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.linklayer.ieee80211.mgmt;

// Used in 802.11 infrastructure mode in an access point (AP).
// This module expects ~Ieee80211MgmtSta modules to be resent in the stations.
// This module never switches channels, that is, it will operate on the channel
// the physical layer is configured for (see channelNumber in ~Ieee80211Radio).
// This module relies on a connected ~Ieee80211Mac for actual
// reception and transmission of frames.
simple Ieee80211MgmtAp like IIeee80211Mgmt
        string ssid = default("SSID");
        double beaconInterval @unit(s) = default(100ms);
        int numAuthSteps = default(4); // use 2 for Open System auth, 4 for WEP
        string interfaceTableModule;
        string radioModule = default("^.radio");   // The path to the Radio module  //FIXME remove default value
        string mibModule;
        string macModule;               // The path to the MAC module
        input macIn @labels(Ieee80211MacHeader); // from ~Ieee80211Mac
        output macOut @labels(Ieee80211MacHeader); // to ~Ieee80211Mac
        input agentIn @loose;   // unused dummy to statisfy the IIeee80211Mgmt interface
        output agentOut @loose; // unused dummy to statisfy the IIeee80211Mgmt interface