
Msg File src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg

Name Type Description
BitVector class (no description)
SequenceNumberCyclic class (no description)
Ieee80211FrameType enum

802.11 frame type constants (type+subtype), for the "type" field of Ieee80211FrameControl

AckPolicy enum

Ack policy values for the 802.11 QoS control field

Ieee80211MacTrailer class (no description)
Ieee80211MacHeader class

The common part of 802.11 frames.

Ieee80211OneAddressHeader class

Format of a 802.11 frame with address1 present, like ACK and CTS

Ieee80211AckFrame class

Format of the 802.11 ACK frame

Ieee80211TwoAddressHeader class

Format of a 802.11 frame with address1 and address2 present

Ieee80211RtsFrame class

Format of the 802.11 RTS frame

Ieee80211CtsFrame class

Format of the 802.11 CTS frame

Ieee80211DataOrMgmtHeader class

Common base class for 802.11 data and management frames

Ieee80211DataHeader class

Format of the 802.11 data frame

Ieee80211MgmtHeader class

Base class for 802.11 management frames (subclasses will add frame body contents)

Ieee80211ActionFrame class Action frame format -- mgmt frame with subtype action

Ieee80211MsduSubframeHeader class (no description)
Ieee80211MpduSubframeHeader class (no description)
Ieee80211AddbaRequest class ADDBA Request frame format

Ieee80211AddbaResponse class ADDBA Response frame format

Ieee80211Delba class DELBA frame format

Ieee80211BlockAckReq class BlockAckReq frame format

Ieee80211BasicBlockAckReq class (no description)
Ieee80211CompressedBlockAckReq class (no description)
Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAckReq class (no description)
Ieee80211BlockAck class BlockAck frame format -- 410p.

Ieee80211BasicBlockAck class Basic BlockAck variant -- 411p.

Ieee80211CompressedBlockAck class Compressed BlockAck variant

Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAck class Multi-TID BlockAck variant

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2006 OpenSim Ltd.
// Copyright (C) 2001 Eric Wu and Steve Woon, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk;
import inet.linklayer.common.FcsMode;
import inet.linklayer.common.MacAddress;

cplusplus {{
#include "inet/common/BitVector.h"
#include "inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/common/Ieee80211Defs.h"

namespace inet;

class BitVector

namespace inet::ieee80211;

class SequenceNumberCyclic

cplusplus {{
const b LENGTH_RTS = b(160);    //bits
const b LENGTH_CTS = b(112);    //bits
const b LENGTH_ACK = b(112);    //bits
const b LENGTH_MGMT = B(28);    //bits
const b LENGTH_ADDBAREQ = LENGTH_MGMT + B(9); // mgmt length + action body length
const b LENGTH_ADDBARESP = LENGTH_MGMT + B(9); // mgmt length + action body length
const b LENGTH_DELBA = LENGTH_MGMT + B(6); // mgmt length + action body length
const b LENGTH_BASIC_BLOCKACK = B(16 + 2 + (2 + 128) + 4); // header + ba control + ba information + fcs
const b DATAFRAME_HEADER_MINLENGTH = B(2 + 2 + 3 * 6 + 2);    //bits without QoS, without Address4: 2 + 2 + 3*6(addresses) + 2
const b QOSCONTROL_PART_LENGTH = b(2 * 8);    // QoS Control field length (bits)
const short int MAX_NUM_FRAGMENTS = 16;
const b LENGTH_A_MSDU_SUBFRAME_HEADER = B(14); //48 + 48 + 16 bits
const b LENGTH_A_MPDU_SUBFRAME_HEADER = b(4 + 12 + 8 + 8);

// 802.11 frame type constants (type+subtype), for the "type" field of
// Ieee80211FrameControl
enum Ieee80211FrameType
    // management:
    ST_BEACON = 0x08;
    ST_ATIM = 0x09;
    ST_ACTION = 0x0d;
    ST_NOACKACTION = 0x0e;

    // control (CFEND/CFEND_CFACK omitted):
    ST_PSPOLL = 0x1a;
    ST_RTS = 0x1b;
    ST_CTS = 0x1c;
    ST_ACK = 0x1d;
    ST_BLOCKACK_REQ = 0x18;
    ST_BLOCKACK     = 0x19;

    // data (CFPOLL/CFACK subtypes omitted):
    ST_DATA = 0x20;
    ST_DATA_WITH_QOS = 0x28;
    //Feedback frame for multicast tramsmission
    ST_LBMS_REQUEST = 0x30;
    ST_LBMS_REPORT = 0x31;

// Ack policy values for the 802.11 QoS control field
enum AckPolicy
    NORMAL_ACK = 0;
    NO_ACK = 1;
    BLOCK_ACK = 3;

class Ieee80211MacTrailer extends FieldsChunk
    chunkLength = B(4);
    uint32_t fcs = 0;
    FcsMode fcsMode = FCS_MODE_UNDEFINED;

// The common part of 802.11 frames.
// NOTE:
// FCS value is not explicitly modeled, but it is included in the length.
// Frame control format fields not supported by this model are omitted:
// MoreFlag, PowerMgmt, MoreData, WEP, Order.
class Ieee80211MacHeader extends FieldsChunk
    chunkLength = LENGTH_ACK - B(4);
    Ieee80211FrameType type; // type and subtype
    bool toDS;
    bool fromDS;
    bool moreFragments;
    bool retry;
    bool powerMgmt = false; // unused
    bool moreData = false; // unused
    bool protectedFrame = false; // unused
    bool order = false; // unused
    simtime_t durationField = -1; // "duration" in the Duration/ID field (-1=no duration)
    short AID = -1;          // "id" (Association ID) in the Duration/ID field (-1=no ID)
    MacAddress receiverAddress; // aka address1 (RA)
    simtime_t MACArrive;    // FIXME remove it, technical data, used inside of MAC module

cplusplus(Ieee80211MacHeader) {{
    virtual uint8_t getProtocolVersion() const { return ((getType() & 0b11000000) >> 6); }
    virtual uint8_t getFrameType() const { return ((getType() & 0b00110000) >> 4); }
    virtual uint8_t getSubType() const { return (getType() & 0b00001111); }
    virtual void setType(uint8_t protocolVersion, uint8_t frameType, uint8_t subType) {
        setType(static_cast<inet::ieee80211::Ieee80211FrameType>((protocolVersion << 6) | (frameType << 4) | subType));

// Format of a 802.11 frame with address1 present, like ACK and CTS
class Ieee80211OneAddressHeader extends Ieee80211MacHeader

// Format of the 802.11 ACK frame
class Ieee80211AckFrame extends Ieee80211OneAddressHeader
    chunkLength = LENGTH_ACK - B(4);
    type = ST_ACK;

// Format of a 802.11 frame with address1 and address2 present
class Ieee80211TwoAddressHeader extends Ieee80211OneAddressHeader
    chunkLength = LENGTH_RTS - B(4);
    MacAddress transmitterAddress; // aka address2 (TA)

// Format of the 802.11 RTS frame
class Ieee80211RtsFrame extends Ieee80211TwoAddressHeader
    chunkLength = LENGTH_RTS - B(4);
    type = ST_RTS;

// Format of the 802.11 CTS frame
class Ieee80211CtsFrame extends Ieee80211OneAddressHeader
    chunkLength = LENGTH_CTS - B(4);
    type = ST_CTS;

// Common base class for 802.11 data and management frames
class Ieee80211DataOrMgmtHeader extends Ieee80211TwoAddressHeader
    chunkLength = LENGTH_MGMT - B(4);
    MacAddress address3;
    short fragmentNumber;
    SequenceNumberCyclic sequenceNumber;

// Format of the 802.11 data frame
class Ieee80211DataHeader extends Ieee80211DataOrMgmtHeader
//  The presence of the Address 4 field is determined by the setting of the To DS and From DS subfields of
//  the Frame Control field (see below). The QoS Control field is present when the QoS subfield of the Subtype
//  field is set to 1 ( Data frame format)
//  FIXME chunkLength is not a constant value DATAFRAME_HEADER_MINLENGTH (24 bytes).
//  For example, with Address 4 and without QoS the correct length is 30 bytes.
//  Without Address 4 and QoS the correct value is indeed 24 bytes.
//  With Address 4 and QoS the correct value is indeed 32 bytes.
    type = ST_DATA;         // or ST_DATA_WITH_QOS
    MacAddress address4;    // optional field, exists when toDS and fromDS are true
    AckPolicy ackPolicy = NORMAL_ACK;
    uint8_t tid;              // optional field, exists when type == ST_DATA_WITH_QOS
    bool aMsduPresent = false; // A-MSDU Present subfield

//TODO this can be introduced when the SNAP header
//class Ieee80211QoSDataHeader extends Ieee80211DataHeader
//    type = ST_DATA_WITH_QOS;
//    AckPolicy ackPolicy = NORMAL_ACK; //FIXME in real life this is part of the optional qos field above...
//    uint8_t tid;
//    // TODO other QoS control field parts

// Base class for 802.11 management frames (subclasses will add frame body contents)
class Ieee80211MgmtHeader extends Ieee80211DataOrMgmtHeader

// Action frame format -- mgmt frame with subtype action
class Ieee80211ActionFrame extends Ieee80211MgmtHeader
    type = ST_ACTION;
    short category;
    uint8_t blockAckAction;
    // TODO subclasses will add action subfield contents
    //WirelessNetworkManagementAction action; // action TODO remove it

class Ieee80211MsduSubframeHeader extends FieldsChunk
    MacAddress sa; // source addr.
    MacAddress da; // destination addr.
    int length;

class Ieee80211MpduSubframeHeader extends FieldsChunk
    int length;

// ADDBA Request frame format
class Ieee80211AddbaRequest extends Ieee80211ActionFrame
    chunkLength = LENGTH_ADDBAREQ - B(4);
    category = 3; // category field set to 3 (representing Block Ack). (1 byte)
    blockAckAction = 0; // Block Ack Action field is set to 0 (representing ADDBA request). (1 byte)
    uint8_t dialogToken = 1; // Dialog Token field is set to a nonzero value chosen by the STA. (1 byte)

    // Block Ack Parameter Set field (2 bytes)
    bool aMsduSupported; // The A-MSDU Supported subfield determines whether an A-MSDU may be carried in a QoS data MPDU sent under this Block Ack agreement. (1 bit)
    bool blockAckPolicy; // The Block Ack Policy subfield is set to 1 for immediate Block Ack and 0 for delayed Block Ack. (1 bit)
    uint8_t tid; // The TID subfield contains the value of the TC or TS for which the BlockAck is being requested. (4 bits)
    uint16_t bufferSize; // The Buffer Size subfield indicates the number of buffers available for this particular TID. (10 bits)

    // Block Ack Timeout Value field (2 bytes)
    // The Block Ack Timeout Value field contains the duration, in TUs, after which the Block Ack setup is
    // terminated, if there are no frame exchanges (see 10.5.4) within this duration using this Block Ack
    // agreement. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
    simtime_t blockAckTimeoutValue;

    // Block Ack Starting Sequence Control (2 bytes)
    // The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU for which this Basic
    // BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield is set to 0.
    uint8_t _fragmentNumber = 0; // FIXME DataOrMgmtFreme has a fragmentNumber (4 bits)
    SequenceNumberCyclic startingSequenceNumber; // the sequence number of the first MSDU (12 bits)

// ADDBA Response frame format
class Ieee80211AddbaResponse extends Ieee80211ActionFrame
    chunkLength = LENGTH_ADDBARESP - B(4);
    category = 3; // Category field is set to 3 (representing Block Ack). (1 byte)
    blockAckAction = 1; // Block Ack Action field is set to 1 (representing ADDBA response). (1 byte)
    uint8_t dialogToken = 1; // The Dialog Token field value is copied from the corresponding received ADDBA Request frame. (1 byte)
    uint16_t statusCode; // The Status Code field is used in a response management frame to indicate the success or failure of a requested operation. (2 bytes)

    // Block Ack Parameter Set field (2 bytes)
    bool aMsduSupported; // The A-MSDU Supported subfield determines whether an A-MSDU may be carried in a QoS data MPDU sent under this Block Ack agreement. (1 bit)
    bool blockAckPolicy; // The Block Ack Policy subfield is set to 1 for immediate Block Ack and 0 for delayed Block Ack. (1 bit)
    uint8_t tid; // The TID subfield contains the value of the TC or TS for which the BlockAck is being requested. (4 bits)
    uint16_t bufferSize; // The Buffer Size subfield indicates the number of buffers available for this particular TID. (10 bits)

    // Block Ack Timeout Value field (2 bytes)
    // The Block Ack Timeout Value field contains the duration, in TUs, after which the Block Ack setup is
    // terminated, if there are no frame exchanges (see 10.5.4) within this duration using this Block Ack
    // agreement. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
    simtime_t blockAckTimeoutValue;

// DELBA frame format
class Ieee80211Delba extends Ieee80211ActionFrame
    chunkLength = LENGTH_DELBA;
    category = 3; // Category field is set to 3 (representing DELBA). (1 byte)
    blockAckAction = 2; // Block Ack Action field is set to 2 (representing DELBA). (1 byte)

    // DELBA Parameter Set (2 bytes)
    uint16_t reserved = 0; // Reserved. (11 bits)
    bool initiator; // It is set to 1 to indicate the originator and is set to 0 to indicate the recipient.
                    // The Initiator subfield indicates if the originator or the recipient of the data is sending this frame. (1 bit)
    uint8_t tid; // The TID subfield indicates the TSID or the UP for which the Block Ack has been originally set up. (4 bits)

    // This Reason Code field is used to indicate the reason that an unsolicited notification management frame of
    // type Disassociation, Deauthentication, DELTS, DELBA, DLS Teardown, or Mesh Peering Close was
    // generated. (2 bytes)
    uint16_t reasonCode;

// BlockAckReq frame format
class Ieee80211BlockAckReq extends Ieee80211TwoAddressHeader
    // The RA field of the BlockAck frame is the address of the recipient STA that requested the Block Ack.
    // The TA field is the address of the STA transmitting the BlockAck frame.
    type = ST_BLOCKACK_REQ;

    bool multiTid;
    bool compressedBitmap;
    bool barAckPolicy; // 0-Normal Acknowledgment, 1-No Acknowledgment.
    uint16_t reserved = 0;

class Ieee80211BasicBlockAckReq extends Ieee80211BlockAckReq
    chunkLength = B(38);

    int tidInfo; //  The TID_INFO subfield of the BAR Control field of the Basic BlockAckReq frame contains the TID for which a Basic BlockAck frame is requested.

    // The BAR Information field of the Basic BlockAckReq frame contains the Block Ack Starting Sequence
    // Control subfield, as shown in Figure 8-21. The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block Ack
    // Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU for which this Basic
    // BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield is set to 0.
    int fragmentNumber = 0;
    SequenceNumberCyclic startingSequenceNumber;

    multiTid = 0;
    compressedBitmap = 0;

class Ieee80211CompressedBlockAckReq extends Ieee80211BlockAckReq
    chunkLength = B(38);

    int tidInfo; // The TID_INFO subfield of the BAR Control field of the Compressed BlockAckReq frame contains the TID for which a BlockAck frame is requested.
    // The BAR Information field of the Compressed BlockAckReq frame contains the Block Ack Starting
    // Sequence Control subfield, as shown in Figure 8-21. The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block
    // Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU or A-MSDU for
    // which this BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield of the Block Ack Starting Sequence
    // Control subfield is set to 0.

    int fragmentNumber = 0;
    SequenceNumberCyclic startingSequenceNumber;

    multiTid = 0;
    compressedBitmap = 1;

class Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAckReq extends Ieee80211BlockAckReq
    // chunkLength TODO
    // The BAR Information field of the Compressed BlockAckReq frame contains the Block Ack Starting
    // Sequence Control subfield, as shown in Figure 8-21. The Starting Sequence Number subfield of the Block
    // Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield contains the sequence number of the first MSDU or A-MSDU for
    // which this BlockAckReq frame is sent. The Fragment Number subfield of the Block Ack Starting Sequence
    // Control subfield is set to 0.

    multiTid = 1;
    compressedBitmap = 1;

    // TODO unimplemented

// BlockAck frame format -- 410p.
class Ieee80211BlockAck extends Ieee80211TwoAddressHeader
    // The RA field of the BlockAck frame is the address of the recipient STA that requested the Block Ack.
    // The TA field is the address of the STA transmitting the BlockAck frame.
    type = ST_BLOCKACK;

    // BA Control
    bool blockAckPolicy; // Table 8-17—BA Ack Policy subfield: 0-Normal Acknowledgment, 1-No Acknowledgment.

    // Table 8-18—BlockAck frame variant encoding
    bool multiTid;
    bool compressedBitmap;
    uint16_t reserved = 0;

// Basic BlockAck variant -- 411p.
class Ieee80211BasicBlockAck extends Ieee80211BlockAck
    chunkLength = LENGTH_BASIC_BLOCKACK - B(4);
    multiTid = 0;
    compressedBitmap = 0;

    // The BA Information field of the Basic BlockAck frame comprises the Block Ack Starting Sequence Control
    // subfield and the Block Ack Bitmap subfield, as shown in Figure 8-26.

    int fragmentNumber = 0; // ??
    SequenceNumberCyclic startingSequenceNumber;
    // The Block Ack Bitmap subfield is 128 octets in length and is used to indicate the received status of up to
    // 64 MSDUs. Bit position n of the Block Ack bitmap, if equal to 1, acknowledges receipt of an MPDU with an
    // MPDU sequence control value equal to (Block Ack Starting Sequence Control + n). Bit position n of the
    // Block Ack bitmap, if equal to 0, indicates that an MPDU with MPDU sequence control value equal to
    // (Block Ack Starting Sequence Control + n) has not been received. Each of the MPDU Sequence Control
    // field and Block Ack Starting Sequence Control subfield values are treated as a 16-bit unsigned integer. For
    // unused fragment numbers of an MSDU, the corresponding bits in the bitmap are set to 0.
    BitVector blockAckBitmap[64]; // 64 * 16 bitmatrix

    // The TID_INFO subfield of the BA Control field of the Basic BlockAck frame contains the TID for which
    // this BlockAck frame is sent.
    int tidInfo;

// Compressed BlockAck variant
class Ieee80211CompressedBlockAck extends Ieee80211BlockAck
    // chunkLength TODO
    multiTid = 0;
    compressedBitmap = 1;

    // The BA Information field of the Compressed BlockAck frame comprises the Block Ack Starting Sequence
    // Control subfield and the Block Ack Bitmap subfield, as shown in Figure 8-27.

    int fragmentNumber = 0;
    SequenceNumberCyclic startingSequenceNumber;
    BitVector blockAckBitmap; // 64 bits

    // The TID_INFO subfield of the BA Control field of the Compressed BlockAck frame contains the TID for
    // which this BlockAck frame is sent.
    int tidInfo;

// Multi-TID BlockAck variant
class Ieee80211MultiTidBlockAck extends Ieee80211BlockAck
    // chunkLength TODO
    multiTid = 1;
    compressedBitmap = 1;

    // TODO unimplemented