
NED File src/inet/linklayer/csmaca/CsmaCaMac.ned

Name Type Description
CsmaCaMac compound module

Implements an imaginary CSMA/CA-based MAC protocol with optional acknowledgements and a retry mechanism. With the appropriate settings, it can approximate basic 802.11b ad-hoc mode operation.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2016 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.linklayer.csmaca;

import inet.linklayer.base.MacProtocolBase;
import inet.linklayer.contract.IMacProtocol;

// Implements an imaginary CSMA/CA-based MAC protocol with optional
// acknowledgements and a retry mechanism. With the appropriate settings,
// it can approximate basic 802.11b ad-hoc mode operation.
// Parameters include:
// - acknowledgements on/off
// - bit rate (this is used for both data and ACK frames)
// - protocol overhead: MAC header length, ACK frame length
// - backoff parameters: minimum/maximum contention window (in slots),
//   slot time, maximum retry count
// - timing: interval to wait before transmitting ACK frame (SIFS) and
//   before data frames in addition to the backoff slots (DIFS)
// When acknowledgements are turned off, the MAC assumes that its transmissions
// are successful, so no frame is ever retransmitted.
// When acknowledgements are turned on, the operation is as follows.
// On the receiver side, the change is quite simple: when the MAC correctly
// receives a data frame addressed to it, it responds with an ACK frame after
// a fixed-length gap (SIFS). If the originator of the data frame does not
// receive the ACK correctly within due time, it will initiate a
// retransmission. The contention window (from which the random backoff period is
// drawn) will be doubled for each retransmission until it reaches the maximum
// (and then it will stay constant for further retransmissions). After a given
// number of unsuccessful retries, the MAC will give up and discard the data
// frame, and will take the next data frame from the queue. The next frame
// will start with a clean slate (i.e. the contention window and the retry
// count will be reset). Giving up a frame will cause a link break signal
// to be emitted.
// Note: This module does not contain a duplicate detection algorithm in order
// to keep its code simple and accessible, so lost ACKs will cause duplicates
// in the stream of packets sent up to higher layers.
module CsmaCaMac extends MacProtocolBase like IMacProtocol
        string radioModule = default("^.radio"); // The path to the Radio module  //FIXME remove default value
        string address @mutable = default("auto"); // MAC address as hex string (12 hex digits), or
                                                   // "auto". "auto" values will be replaced by
                                                   // a generated MAC address in init stage 0.
        string fcsMode @enum("declared","computed") = default("declared");
        bool useAck = default(true);
        double bitrate @unit(bps);
        int headerLength @unit(B) = default(17B); // maximum 255 byte, minimum 17B for serializing, see CsmaCaMacDataHeader
        int ackLength @unit(B) = default(14B); // maximum 255 byte, minimum 14B for serializing, see CsmaCaMacAckHeader
        double sifsTime @unit(s) = default(10us);
        double slotTime @unit(s) = default(20us);
        double difsTime @unit(s) = default(sifsTime + 2 * slotTime);
        double ackTimeout @unit(s) = default(dropUnit(ackLength * 8) / dropUnit(bitrate) * 1s + sifsTime + slotTime); // measured from the end of data transmission; includes sifs, preamble, physical header, mac ack duration, 2x propagation time, by default assumes slot time > preamble + physical header + 2x propagation time
        int mtu = default(1500);
        int cwMin = default(31); // minimum contention window
        int cwMax = default(1023); // maximum contention window
        int cwMulticast = default(cwMin); // multicast contention window
        int retryLimit = default(7); // maximum number of retries
        @statistic[linkBroken](title="link break"; source=linkBroken; record=count; interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[packetDropIncorrectlyReceived](title="packet drop: incorrectly received"; source=packetDropReasonIsIncorrectlyReceived(packetDropped); record=count,sum(packetBytes),vector(packetBytes); interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[packetDropNotAddressedToUs](title="packet drop: not addressed to us"; source=packetDropReasonIsNotAddressedToUs(packetDropped); record=count,sum(packetBytes),vector(packetBytes); interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[packetDropQueueOverflow](title="packet drop: queue overflow"; source=packetDropReasonIsQueueOverflow(packetDropped); record=count,sum(packetBytes),vector(packetBytes); interpolationmode=none);
        @statistic[packetDropRetryLimitReached](title="packet drop: retry limit reached"; source=packetDropReasonIsRetryLimitReached(packetDropped); record=count,sum(packetBytes),vector(packetBytes); interpolationmode=none);