NED File src/inet/linklayer/acking/AckingWirelessInterface.ned
Name | Type | Description |
AckingWirelessInterface | compound module |
This module implements a highly abstracted wireless network interface (NIC) that uses a trivial MAC protocol. It offers simplicity for scenarios where Layer 1 and 2 effects can be completely ignored, for example testing the basic functionality of a wireless ad-hoc routing protocol. |
Source code
// // Copyright (C) 2013 OpenSim Ltd. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // package inet.linklayer.acking; import inet.queueing.contract.IPacketQueue; import inet.linklayer.contract.IWirelessInterface; import inet.networklayer.common.NetworkInterface; import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.packetlevel.IRadio; // // This module implements a highly abstracted wireless network interface (NIC) // that uses a trivial MAC protocol. It offers simplicity for scenarios where // Layer 1 and 2 effects can be completely ignored, for example testing the // basic functionality of a wireless ad-hoc routing protocol. // // The most important parameter this model accepts is the transmission range. // When a radio transmits a frame, all other radios within transmission range // will receive the frame correctly, and radios that are out of range will not be // affected at all. // // This module requires an ~UnitDiskRadioMedium instance in the network. // module AckingWirelessInterface extends NetworkInterface like IWirelessInterface { parameters: string interfaceTableModule; string energySourceModule = default(""); double bitrate @unit(bps); *.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(this.interfaceTableModule)); *.energySourceModule = default(absPath(this.energySourceModule)); **.bitrate = this.bitrate; gates: input upperLayerIn; output upperLayerOut; input radioIn @labels(WirelessSignal); submodules: queue: <default("DropTailQueue")> like IPacketQueue { parameters: @display("p=200,100;q=l2queue"); } mac: AckingMac { parameters: @display("p=300,100"); } radio: <default("UnitDiskRadio")> like IRadio { parameters: @display("p=300,200"); } connections: upperLayerIn --> { @display("m=n"); } -->; queue.out --> mac.upperLayerIn; mac.lowerLayerOut --> radio.upperLayerIn; radioIn --> { @display("m=s"); } --> radio.radioIn; radio.upperLayerOut --> mac.lowerLayerIn; mac.upperLayerOut --> { @display("m=n"); } --> upperLayerOut; }