
NED File src/inet/common/packet/recorder/PcapRecorder.ned

Name Type Description
PcapRecorder simple module

Records PCAP traces of frames sent/received by other modules within the same host. By default, it records frames sent/received by L2 modules of StandardHost and Router. The output filename is expected in the pcapFile parameter. The PcapRecorder module can also print tcpdump-like textual information to on the log (EV); this functionality can be controlled by the verbose parameter.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Tuexen
// Copyright (C) 2008 Irene Ruengeler
// Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Dreibholz
// Copyright (C) 2011 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.common.packet.recorder;

// Records PCAP traces of frames sent/received by other modules within
// the same host. By default, it records frames sent/received by L2 modules
// of ~StandardHost and ~Router. The output filename is expected in the
// pcapFile parameter. The PcapRecorder module can also print tcpdump-like
// textual information to on the log (EV); this functionality can be
// controlled by the verbose parameter.
// <b>Which modules to record:</b> The list of modules can to be specified in
// the moduleNamePatterns parameter. It is a space-separated list of module
// names, which will be interpreted as children of the PcapRecorder's parent
// module. To record elements of a module vector, add "[*]" to the name
// (example: "eth[*]").
// <b>Operation:</b> PcapRecorder adds signal listeners to the recorded
// modules. The signals subscribed to are "packetSentToLower" and
// "packetReceivedFromLower", but these names can be overridden with the
// sendingSignalNames and receivingSignalNames parameters. The packets
// themselves are expected as cPacket* signal values.
simple PcapRecorder
        bool verbose = default(true);  // whether to log packets on the module output
        string pcapFile = default(""); // the PCAP file to be written
        string fileFormat @enum("pcap", "pcapng") = default("pcapng");
        int snaplen = default(65535);  // maximum number of bytes to record per packet
        bool dumpBadFrames = default(true); // enable dump of frames with hasBitError
        string moduleNamePatterns = default("wlan[*] eth[*] ppp[*]"); // space-separated list of sibling module names to listen on
        string sendingSignalNames = default("packetSentToLower"); // space-separated list of outbound packet signals to subscribe to
        string receivingSignalNames = default("packetReceivedFromLower"); // space-separated list of inbound packet signals to subscribe to
        string dumpProtocols = default("ethernetmac ppp ieee80211mac"); // space-separated list of protocol names as defined in the Protocol class
        object packetFilter = default("*"); // which packets are considered, matches all packets by default
        string helpers = default("");    // usable PcapRecorder::IHelper helpers for accept packettype and store/convert packet as specified linktype
                                         // currently available: "inet::AckingMacToEthernetPcapRecorderHelper"
        bool alwaysFlush = default(false); // flush the pcapFile after each write to ensure that all packets are captured in case of a crash
        string displayStringTextFormat = default("rec: %n pks");