
Msg File src/inet/common/TimeTag.msg

Name Type Description
CreationTimeTag class

This tag specifies the creation time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to store the time when that region was created.

ResidenceTimeTag class

This tag specifies the network node residence start and end times. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to store when that region entered and left the network node.

TimeTagBase class

This is a base class for various time measurement tags.

ElapsedTimeTag class

This tag specifies the elapsed time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to measure the elapsed time.

DelayingTimeTag class

This tag specifies the delaying time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to sum up the delaying time spent in each packet delayer module.

QueueingTimeTag class

This tag specifies the queueing time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to sum up the queueing time spent in each queueing module.

ProcessingTimeTag class

This tag specifies the processing time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to sum up the processing time spent in each packet processor module.

TransmissionTimeTag class

This tag specifies the transmission time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to sum up the transmission time spent in each transmitter.

PropagationTimeTag class

This tag specifies the propagation time. It can be attached to a specific region of a packet in order to sum up the propagation time spent in each transmission channel.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.TagBase;

namespace inet;

// This tag specifies the creation time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to store the time when that region was created.
class CreationTimeTag extends TagBase
    simtime_t creationTime = simTime();

// This tag specifies the network node residence start and end times. It can be
// attached to a specific region of a packet in order to store when that region
// entered and left the network node.
class ResidenceTimeTag extends TagBase
    simtime_t startTime = -1;
    simtime_t endTime = -1;

// This is a base class for various time measurement tags.
class TimeTagBase extends TagBase
    string flowNames[]; // flow names for which the times belong
    simtime_t bitTotalTimes[]; // total bit time summed up for the relevant modules
    simtime_t packetTotalTimes[]; // total packet time summed up for the relevant modules

// This tag specifies the elapsed time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to measure the elapsed time.
class ElapsedTimeTag extends TimeTagBase

// This tag specifies the delaying time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to sum up the delaying time spent in each
// packet delayer module.
class DelayingTimeTag extends TimeTagBase

// This tag specifies the queueing time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to sum up the queueing time spent in each
// queueing module.
class QueueingTimeTag extends TimeTagBase

// This tag specifies the processing time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to sum up the processing time spent in each
// packet processor module.
class ProcessingTimeTag extends TimeTagBase

// This tag specifies the transmission time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to sum up the transmission time spent in each
// transmitter.
class TransmissionTimeTag extends TimeTagBase

// This tag specifies the propagation time. It can be attached to a specific
// region of a packet in order to sum up the propagation time spent in each
// transmission channel.
class PropagationTimeTag extends TimeTagBase