
Msg File src/inet/common/ProtocolTag.msg

Name Type Description
ChunkPtr class (no description)
ProtocolTagBase class

This is an abstract base class that should not be directly added as a tag.

ProtocolListTagBase class

This is an abstract base class that should not be directly added as a tag.

ServicePrimitive enum

OSI layered service primitives

DispatchProtocolReq class

This request determines the destination protocol of the message or packet when it's sent from one protocol module to another using the MessageDispatcher.

DispatchProtocolInd class

This indication specifies the sending protocol of the message or packet when it's sent from one protocol module to another using the MessageDispatcher.

EncapsulationProtocolReq class

This request determines the expected protocol encapsulation order of the packet. If this tag is attached to a packet, then the first encapsulation protocol specifies the next dispatch protocol. Otherwise the individual protocol modules are expected to request dispatching to their default following encapsulation protocol.

EncapsulationProtocolInd class

This indication determines the original protocol encapsulation order of the packet. If this tag is attached to the packet, then the protocols specify the order of encapsulation as it seen by the protocol modules when the packet was processed and decapsulated.

PacketProtocolTag class

This tag specifies the protocol of the packet.

TransportProtocolReq class

This request determines the transport protocol that should be used to send the packet. It may be present from the application to the transport protocol.

TransportProtocolInd class

This indication specifies the transport protocol that was used to receive the packet. It may be present from the transport protocol to the application and from the transport protocol to the physical layer.

NetworkProtocolReq class

This request determines the network protocol that should be used to send the packet. It may be present from the application to the network protocol and from the network protocol to the physical layer.

NetworkProtocolInd class

This indication specifies the network protocol that was used to receive the packet. It may be present from the network protocol to the application.

MacProtocolReq class

This request determines the mac protocol that should be used to send the packet. It may be present from the application to the mac protocol and from the mac protocol to the physical layer.

MacProtocolInd class

This indication specifies the mac protocol that was used to receive the packet. It may be present from the mac protocol to the application.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.Protocol;
import inet.common.TagBase;
import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk;

namespace inet;

typedef Ptr<const Chunk> ChunkPtr;

class ChunkPtr
    Chunk *content @getter(get);

// This is an abstract base class that should not be directly added as a tag.
class ProtocolTagBase extends TagBase
    const Protocol *protocol @getter(findProtocol); // specifies a protocol (internal class with an artificial identifier)

cplusplus(ProtocolTagBase) {{
    const Protocol *getProtocol() const {
        if (protocol == nullptr)
            throw cRuntimeError("Protocol is not specified");
        return protocol;

// This is an abstract base class that should not be directly added as a tag.
class ProtocolListTagBase extends TagBase
    const Protocol *protocol[]; // specifies a list of protocols (internal class with an artificial identifier)

// OSI layered service primitives
enum ServicePrimitive
    SP_REQUEST    = 1;
    SP_RESPONSE   = 3;
    SP_CONFIRM    = 4;

// This request determines the destination protocol of the message or packet
// when it's sent from one protocol module to another using the ~MessageDispatcher.
class DispatchProtocolReq extends ProtocolTagBase
    ServicePrimitive servicePrimitive;

// This indication specifies the sending protocol of the message or packet
// when it's sent from one protocol module to another using the ~MessageDispatcher.
class DispatchProtocolInd extends ProtocolTagBase

// This request determines the expected protocol encapsulation order of the
// packet. If this tag is attached to a packet, then the first encapsulation
// protocol specifies the next dispatch protocol. Otherwise the individual
// protocol modules are expected to request dispatching to their default
// following encapsulation protocol.
class EncapsulationProtocolReq extends ProtocolListTagBase

// This indication determines the original protocol encapsulation order of the
// packet. If this tag is attached to the packet, then the protocols specify the
// order of encapsulation as it seen by the protocol modules when the packet was
// processed and decapsulated.
class EncapsulationProtocolInd extends ProtocolListTagBase

// This tag specifies the protocol of the packet.
// Packet processing at the sender
// ===============================
// | ApplicationData |
//     whole packet has no protocol
//     data part has no protocol
// | UdpHeader ApplicationData |
//     whole packet has UDP protocol
//     data part has UDP protocol
// | Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData |
//     whole packet has IPv4 protocol
//     data part has IPv4 protocol
// EthernetMacHeader | Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData |
//     whole packet has incomplete Ethernet protocol
//     data part has IPv4 protocol
// EthernetMacHeader | Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData | EthernetPadding EthernetFcs
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has IPv4 protocol
// | EthernetMacHeader Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData EthernetPadding EthernetFcs |
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has Ethernet protocol
// Packet processing at the receiver
// =================================
// | EthernetMacHeader Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData EthernetPadding EthernetFcs |
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has Ethernet protocol
// EthernetMacHeader Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData EthernetPadding | EthernetFcs
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has no protocol
// EthernetMacHeader | Ipv4Header UdpHeader ApplicationData | EthernetPadding EthernetFcs
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has IPv4 protocol
// EthernetMacHeader Ipv4Header | UdpHeader ApplicationData | EthernetPadding EthernetFcs
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has UDP protocol
// EthernetMacHeader Ipv4Header UdpHeader | ApplicationData | EthernetPadding EthernetFcs
//     whole packet has Ethernet protocol
//     data part has no protocol
class PacketProtocolTag extends ProtocolTagBase
    b frontOffset = b(0); // extra offset relative to the packet data part front offset
    b backOffset = b(0); // extra offset relative to the packet data part back offset

cplusplus(PacketProtocolTag) {{
    void set(const Protocol *protocol, b frontOffset = b(0), b backOffset = b(0)) {
        this->protocol = protocol;
        this->frontOffset = frontOffset;
        this->backOffset = backOffset;

// This request determines the transport protocol that should be used to send the packet.
// It may be present from the application to the transport protocol.
class TransportProtocolReq extends ProtocolTagBase

// This indication specifies the transport protocol that was used to receive
// the packet. It may be present from the transport protocol to the application
// and from the transport protocol to the physical layer.
class TransportProtocolInd extends ProtocolTagBase
    ChunkPtr transportProtocolHeader;

// This request determines the network protocol that should be used to send the
// packet. It may be present from the application to the network protocol and
// from the network protocol to the physical layer.
class NetworkProtocolReq extends ProtocolTagBase

// This indication specifies the network protocol that was used to receive the
// packet. It may be present from the network protocol to the application.
class NetworkProtocolInd extends ProtocolTagBase
    ChunkPtr networkProtocolHeader;

// This request determines the mac protocol that should be used to send the
// packet. It may be present from the application to the mac protocol and from
// the mac protocol to the physical layer.
class MacProtocolReq extends ProtocolTagBase

// This indication specifies the mac protocol that was used to receive the
// packet. It may be present from the mac protocol to the application.
class MacProtocolInd extends ProtocolTagBase
    ChunkPtr macProtocolHeader;