
NED File src/inet/common/MessageDispatcher.ned

Name Type Description
MessageDispatcher simple module

This module connects multiple applications, protocols and interfaces with each other and automatically dispatches messages and packets between them. It allows many different configurations from layered architectures where message dispatchers separate different communication layers to centralized architectures where a single message dispatcher is connected to all components.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2004 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.common;

import inet.queueing.base.PacketProcessorBase;

// This module connects multiple applications, protocols and interfaces with
// each other and automatically dispatches messages and packets between them.
// It allows many different configurations from layered architectures where
// message dispatchers separate different communication layers to centralized
// architectures where a single message dispatcher is connected to all components.
// Configuring the dispatch mechanism:
//  - protocols must register by calling registerService and/or registerProtocol
//  - interfaces must register by calling registerInterface
//  - sockets must register by sending socket messages
//  - packets must have tags attached which specifie the destination protocol, interface or socket
simple MessageDispatcher extends PacketProcessorBase
        bool forwardServiceRegistration = default(true);
        bool forwardProtocolRegistration = default(true);
        input in[];
        output out[];