
NED File src/inet/applications/udpapp/UdpRequestResponseApp.ned

Name Type Description
UdpRequestResponseApp compound module

This module is a generic request/response based server application. For each request it receives, it generates a different traffic based on the data the request contains. The client application can be any source that is capable of generating packets with different data. The first byte of the packet data determines the response traffic, which can be configured to produce complex streams of packets with various data and timing distributions.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2020 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

package inet.applications.udpapp;

// This module is a generic request/response based server application. For each
// request it receives, it generates a different traffic based on the data the
// request contains. The client application can be any source that is capable
// of generating packets with different data. The first byte of the packet data
// determines the response traffic, which can be configured to produce complex
// streams of packets with various data and timing distributions.
module UdpRequestResponseApp extends UdpApp
        int numKind = default(2);
        sink.typename = default("RequestConsumer");
        sink.numKind = this.numKind;
        sink.responseProducerModule = default("^.source");
        sink.classifier.classifierClass = default("inet::queueing::PacketDataClassifier");
        source.typename = default("ResponseProducer");
        source.numKind = this.numKind;