
Package: inet.queueing.base


simple module

(no description)

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
EthernetCutthroughBarrier simple module (no description)
PacketDelayer simple module

This module connects one packet producer to one packet consumer. It can be pushed with packets from the connected packet producer. When this happens, the packet is delayed and eventually pushed to the output. Note that the order of packets may change if the delay parameter is configured to be a distribution.


Name Type Description
PacketProcessorBase simple module

This is a base module for various packet processing modules which maintains a few statistics.


Name Type Default value Description
displayStringTextFormat string "processed %p pk (%l)"

determines the text that is written on top of the submodule

clockModule string ""

relative path of a module that implements IClock; optional

schedulingPriority int 0
scheduleZeroDelay bool true


Name Value Description
display i=block/delay
class PacketDelayerBase


Name Direction Size Description
in input
out output

Source code

simple PacketDelayerBase extends PacketProcessorBase
        string clockModule = default(""); // relative path of a module that implements IClock; optional
        int schedulingPriority = default(0);
        bool scheduleZeroDelay = default(true);
        input in @labels(push);
        output out @labels(push);
File: src/inet/queueing/base/PacketDelayerBase.ned