
Package: inet.protocolelement.measurement


module interface

(no description)

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Implemented by

Name Type Description
MeasurementLayer compound module (no description)
MultiMeasurementLayer compound module (no description)
OmittedMeasurementLayer compound module

This module implements the module given interface and can be used as an omitted optional module that removes itself from the module hierarchy during initialize.

Used in compound modules

Name Type Description
LayeredEthernetInterface compound module

This module implements an Ethernet network interface.


Name Value Description
omittedTypename OmittedMeasurementLayer
display i=block/layer

Source code

moduleinterface IMeasurementLayer
        input upperLayerIn;
        output upperLayerOut;
        input lowerLayerIn;
        output lowerLayerOut;

File: src/inet/protocolelement/measurement/IMeasurementLayer.ned