
Package: inet.protocolelement.checksum


simple module

(no description)

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Used in compound modules

Name Type Description
InterfaceService compound module (no description)


Name Type Description
CrcInserterBase simple module (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
displayStringTextFormat string "processed %p pk (%l)"

determines the text that is written on top of the submodule

crcMode string "declared"
headerPosition string "front"


Name Value Description
display i=block/inserter
class CrcHeaderInserter


Name Direction Size Description
in input
out output


Name Type Unit
packetPushedIn inet::Packet
packetPulledIn inet::Packet
packetPushedOut inet::Packet
packetPulledOut inet::Packet


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
flowIncomingDataRate flow specific incoming data rate throughput(demuxFlow(merge(packetPushedIn, packetPulledIn))) vector bps linear
outgoingDataRate outgoing data rate throughput(merge(packetPushedOut, packetPulledOut)) vector bps linear
incomingDataRate incoming data rate throughput(merge(packetPushedIn, packetPulledIn)) vector bps linear
outgoingPacketLengths outgoing packet lengths packetLength(merge(packetPushedOut, packetPulledOut)) sum, histogram, vector b none
flowIncomingPacketLengths flow specific incoming packet lengths packetLength(demuxFlow(merge(packetPushedIn, packetPulledIn))) sum, histogram, vector b none
flowOutgoingDataRate flow specific outgoing data rate throughput(demuxFlow(merge(packetPushedOut, packetPulledOut))) vector bps linear
incomingPacketLengths incoming packet lengths packetLength(merge(packetPushedIn, packetPulledIn)) sum, histogram, vector b none
flowOutgoingPacketLengths flow specific outgoing packet lengths packetLength(demuxFlow(merge(packetPushedOut, packetPulledOut))) sum, histogram, vector b none
incomingPackets incoming packets merge(packetPushedIn, packetPulledIn) count pk
outgoingPackets outgoing packets merge(packetPushedOut, packetPulledOut) count pk

Source code

simple CrcHeaderInserter extends CrcInserterBase
        string headerPosition @enum("front","back") = default("front");
File: src/inet/protocolelement/checksum/CrcHeaderInserter.ned