
Package: inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.base.packetlevel


compound module

This module servces as a base module for SNIR receiver models.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
ApskLayeredReceiver compound module

This receiver model is part of a simple hypothetical layered radio. It receives detailed transmissions that have separate representation for all simulated domains. The levelOfDetail parameter controls which domains are actually simulated, but all parameters relevant to the error model are expected to be set on the reception.

Ieee80211LayeredOfdmReceiver compound module

This module implements an IEEE 802.11 OFDM receiver. The implemenation details are based on the following standard: IEEE Std 802.11-2012 PART 11: WIRELESS LAN MAC AND PHY SPECIFICATIONS

NarrowbandReceiverBase compound module

This module servces as a base module for narrowband receiver models.


Name Type Default value Description
snirThreshold double

reception is not successful if the SNIR is below this threshold (unsuccessful reception)

snirThresholdMode string "min"


Name Value Description
display i=block/wrx

Source code

// This module servces as a base module for SNIR receiver models.
module SnirReceiverBase like IReceiver
        double snirThreshold @unit(dB);    // reception is not successful if the SNIR is below this threshold (unsuccessful reception)
        string snirThresholdMode @enum("min","mean") = default("min");

File: src/inet/physicallayer/wireless/common/base/packetlevel/SnirReceiverBase.ned