
Package: inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.base.packetlevel


compound module

This module servces as the base module for error models.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Known subclasses

Name Type Description
ApskErrorModel compound module

This error model determines packet error rate, bit error rate, and symbol error rate by using the well-known formula that corresponds to the modulation. It assumes no forward error correction or any other techinque is used in the physical signal.

Ieee80211BerTableErrorModel compound module (no description)
Ieee80211NistErrorModel compound module (no description)
Ieee80211YansErrorModel compound module (no description)
StochasticErrorModel compound module

This error model provides parameters to specify the constant packet error rate, bit error rate, and symbol error rate for receptions independent of any interfering transmission or noise.


Name Type Default value Description
corruptionMode string "packet"
snirMode string "min"
snirOffset double 0dB

offset the calculated SNIR before further computing the PER, BER, SER or corrupt bits and symbols this can be used, for example, to represents cross symbol interference due to OFDM lobe overlapping, symbol frequency/time offset mismatch, and symbol frequency/time size mismatch


Name Value Description
display i=block/broadcast
class ErrorModelBase

Source code

// This module servces as the base module for error models.
module ErrorModelBase like IErrorModel
        string corruptionMode @enum("packet","chunk","byte","bit") = default("packet");
        string snirMode @enum("min","mean") = default("min");
        double snirOffset @unit(dB) = default(0dB); // offset the calculated SNIR before further computing the PER, BER, SER or corrupt bits and symbols
                                                    // this can be used, for example, to represents cross symbol interference due to OFDM lobe overlapping, symbol frequency/time offset mismatch, and symbol frequency/time size mismatch

File: src/inet/physicallayer/wireless/common/base/packetlevel/ErrorModelBase.ned