
Namespace inet::ieee80211



Losely based on MLME-SCAN.request.


Name Type Description
Ieee80211PrimRequest (unknown -- not in documented files)


Name Type Description
BSSType Ieee80211BssType

determines type of BSS's to include in the scan

BSSID MacAddress

specific BSSID to scan for (default: any)

SSID string

SSID to scan for SSID (default: any)

activeScan bool

whether to perform active or passive scanning

probeDelay simtime_t

delay (in �s) to be used prior to transmitting a Probe frame during active scanning

channelList int[]

list of channels to scan (default: all channels)

minChannelTime simtime_t

minimum time to spend on each channel when scanning

maxChannelTime simtime_t

maximum time to spend on each channel when scanning

Source code

// Losely based on MLME-SCAN.request.
class Ieee80211Prim_ScanRequest extends Ieee80211PrimRequest
    Ieee80211BssType BSSType; // determines type of BSS's to include in the scan
    MacAddress BSSID; // specific BSSID to scan for (default: any)
    string SSID;      // SSID to scan for SSID (default: any)
    bool activeScan;  // whether to perform active or passive scanning
    simtime_t probeDelay; // delay (in �s) to be used prior to transmitting a Probe frame during active scanning
    int channelList[]; // list of channels to scan (default: all channels)
    simtime_t minChannelTime; // minimum time to spend on each channel when scanning
    simtime_t maxChannelTime; // maximum time to spend on each channel when scanning

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211Primitives.msg