
Namespace inet



TCP command codes, sent by the application to TCP. These constants should be set as message kind on a message sent to the TCP entity.

See also: TcpCommand, TcpOpenCommand, ITcp

Source code

// TCP command codes, sent by the application to TCP. These constants
// should be set as message kind on a message sent to the TCP entity.
// @see ~TcpCommand, ~TcpOpenCommand, ~ITcp
enum TcpCommandCode
    TCP_C_OPEN_ACTIVE = 1;   // active open (must carry ~TcpOpenCommand)
    TCP_C_OPEN_PASSIVE = 2;  // passive open (must carry ~TcpOpenCommand)
    TCP_C_ACCEPT = 3;        // accept connection
    TCP_C_SEND = 4;          // send data (set on data packet)
    TCP_C_CLOSE = 5;         // "I have no more data to send"
    TCP_C_ABORT = 6;         // abort connection
    TCP_C_STATUS = 7;        // request status info (TCP_I_STATUS) from TCP
    TCP_C_QUEUE_BYTES_LIMIT = 8; // set send queue limit (in bytes)
    TCP_C_READ = 9;          // send request to TCP to deliver data
    TCP_C_DESTROY = 10;      // send request to TCP to destroy the socket descriptor
    TCP_C_SETOPTION = 11;    // setting TCP socket options

File: src/inet/transportlayer/contract/tcp/TcpCommand.msg