Message SCTPAuthenticationChunk

File: src/inet/transportlayer/sctp/SCTPMessage.msg

C++ definition

(no description)

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
SCTPChunk message (no description)


Name Type Description
sharedKey uint16
hMacIdentifier uint16
hMacOk bool
HMAC uint32[]
chunkType uint8

Chunk Type

flags uint32

Source code:

message SCTPAuthenticationChunk extends SCTPChunk
    uint16 sharedKey;
    uint16 hMacIdentifier;
    bool hMacOk;
    uint32 HMAC[];