Class RTPParticipantInfo

File: src/inet/transportlayer/rtp/RTPParticipantInfo.msg

C++ definition

This class is a super class for classes intended for storing information about RTP end systems. It has two subclasses: RTPReceiverInformation which is used for storing information about other system participating in an RTP session. RTPSenderInformation is used by an RTP endsystem for storing information about itself. sa RTPReceiverInformation sa RTPSenderInformation

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
cNamedObject (unknown -- not in documented files)


Name Type Description
ssrc uint32
address IPv4Address

Used for storing the ip address of this endsystem.

RTPPort int

Used for storing the port for RTP by this endsystem.

RTCPPort int

Used for storing the port for RTCP by this endsystem.

Source code:

// This class is a super class for classes intended for storing information
// about ~RTP end systems.
// It has two subclasses: RTPReceiverInformation which is used for storing
// information about other system participating in an ~RTP session.
// RTPSenderInformation is used by an ~RTP endsystem for storing information
// about itself.
// sa RTPReceiverInformation
// sa RTPSenderInformation
class RTPParticipantInfo extends cNamedObject
    @customize(true);  // see the generated C++ header for more info

    abstract uint32 ssrc;

    // Used for storing the ip address of this endsystem.
    IPv4Address address = IPv4Address::UNSPECIFIED_ADDRESS;

    // Used for storing the port for ~RTP by this endsystem.
    int RTPPort = PORT_UNDEF;

    // Used for storing the port for ~RTCP by this endsystem.
    int RTCPPort = PORT_UNDEF;