NED File src/inet/routing/pim/modes/PIMSM.ned

Name Type Description
PIMSM simple module

Implementation of PIM-SM protocol (RFC 4601).

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2013 Brno University of Technology (
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.
// Authors: Veronika Rybova, Vladimir Vesely ([email protected]),
//          Tamas Borbely ([email protected])

package inet.routing.pim.modes;

// Implementation of PIM-SM protocol (RFC 4601).
// PIM-SM is a multicast routing protocol which
// build a shared multicast forwarding three rooted at a Rendezvous Point (RP)
// per group, and a source specific forwarding trees from the sources to the RP.
// It is also capable to switch to a shortest path tree, so that traffic from
// sources to receivers do not have to pass through the RP.
// The module must access the ~PIMInterfaceTable and ~PIMNeighbortable
// modules, their path is given as the 'pimInterfaceTableModule' and
// 'pimNeighborTableModule' parameters.
// The 'RP' parameter specifies the address of the Rendezvous Point.
// Currently only one global RP is supported.
// If there are multiple PIM routers on a multi-access LAN, only one
// of them will be responsible for forwarding datagrams to the LAN.
// This will be the router with the highest IP address except if
// all routers has 'designatedRouterPriority' set, in which case
// the highest priority wins (or highest IP address on ties).
// Other parameters set the time constants to the values specified
// in RFC 4601. They should not be changed except for testing.
// Limitations:
// - Only one global RP is supported and it must be specified statically.
//   PIM Bootstrap and RP discovery is not yet implemented.
// - Switchover to the shortest path tree is not supported.
// - Source specific excludes in the shared tree are not supported.
simple PIMSM
        string interfaceTableModule;
        string routingTableModule;
        string pimInterfaceTableModule;
        string pimNeighborTableModule;
        string RP = default("");
        int designatedRouterPriority = default(-1);

        volatile double triggeredHelloDelay @unit(s) = uniform(0s,5s);
        double helloPeriod @unit(s) = 30s;
        double holdTime @unit(s) = default(3.5 * helloPeriod);
        double joinPrunePeriod @unit(s) = default(60s); // period between Join/Prune messages (called t_periodic in the RFC)
        double defaultOverrideInterval @unit(s) = 2.5s;
        double defaultPropagationDelay @unit(s) = 0.5s;
        double keepAlivePeriod @unit(s) = 210s;
        double rpKeepAlivePeriod @unit(s) = 3 * registerSuppressionTime + registerProbeTime;
        double registerSuppressionTime @unit(s) = 60s;
        double registerProbeTime @unit(s) = 5s;
        double assertTime @unit(s) = 180s;
        double assertOverrideInterval @unit(s) = 3s;


        input ipIn;
        output ipOut;